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Everything posted by Marbles

  1. I keep seeing these, but not sure if worth it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/296105680925
  2. Digikey makes good AC Adapters. Ugh, I hate when I ask a serious question and the company gives "only use OUR Adapter"
  3. What are the best replacement parts for the Original Xbox and where would I buy them? Thanks to you I've already gotten a new IDE cable and bands for my DVD Drive https://www.ebay.com/itm/264927666468?hash=item3daeeb6124:g:fDoAAOSwYVZfNwU1 https://www.amazon.com/Optical-Drive-Replacement-Drives-Stuck/dp/B079VQCYSM Monoprice AC Cables are amazing Just in case, I'm looking for the rest of the internal wiring Such as the 4 pin peripheral power cable, is the base a standard ATX? What about the power cord for the DVD Drive? What about new ThumbSticks? I heard they can be found on ebay, but there are dozens of sellers, and some even say those don't fit properly. Where do I buy new capacitors? What about external wiring? Whats the best component cable? Best RCA Composite Cable? Once again Monoprice for AV Cable. (I use both the Chimera HDMI and the RetroTink 5x for my gaming) Just trying to rebuild my X-box, and a couple junkers I have so they can last another 20yrs.
  4. Not what you asked for, but I went out and found a different copy of Stubbs to try out one last time on the 1.4 console, now that it has a new DVD drive installed... Results remain the same.... Still waiting on the v1.6 to be returned after modding... The winter chill is causing havoc on shipping up here in NE.
  5. So, once again. Took the 1.6 Samsung drive out, cleaned it, cleaned the connector and reseated the cabled internally. Just put a new drive belt on (came today) and installed it into my Defective v1.4 console. Still will not play Seven Sorrows, and is now making a loud sound Meanwhile I took the 1.4 Philips drive, put it in the 1.6 system and I was able to play hours of the same game, same disc uninterrupted. A copy of Stubbs will be arriving tomorrow. So this will once and for all determine the system. Also, ran into 2 paculiar things. #1. The Samsung drive doesn't have a cradle around it, and only mounting screw holes for the front? #2. The v1.4 console MAY have a defective 2nd player port. I tried Toe Jam and Earl 3 on the console a while back, and no matter what controller I put into the 2nd player port.. the character would NOT stop jumping. Still doing it, but it doesn't seem to affect any other 2player game I've tried.
  6. Its been decades since I worked with eide so my brain deleted/repressed it. God, now I remember setting drive and mb jumpers.. Anyways, i have the blue end in the console... that might have been an issue. Thanks!
  7. Thank you! I don't trust eBay as much as I've been screwed both selling and buying. Bought a Xenium chip off eBay and apparently it was a fake.... Just feels awkward, while the Chimera fit so nice. Blue end attaches to the console right? On this topic... why is there no Holster/Tray for the DVD Drive? On the V1.4 the drive was screwed into a tray, on the 1.6 there are two plastic holes built into the front.. and I see nothing in the back.
  8. They felt right side up when you plug the blue end in.. but it still felt... tight. Always afraid of eBay.
  9. 2 Things #1. Where do I order a new belt? #2. Suggestions for an IDE Cable? I got one off Amazon, and it feels a might.... short? tight? Not sure what to call it but it feels like it's just not fitting correctly. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003IDF0JC?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details The one I put in the v1.6 to help repair the console, was the Chimeric one, but they are... not in service at the moment. https://www.chimericsystems.com/ Their parts were amazing, I have their HDMI adapter!
  10. Was, took it off when i switched. Thanks! Yea it, it keeps opened and refuses to close. It twitchs on the right side of the tray 3 times and stops. Doesnt read games.
  11. Cleaned out, reseated cord... only wants to open half the time Bezel? Also the tray is built into it unlike the philips
  12. Well as I said before, if was literally packed with thick brown dust when I opened it. It had a hairline. So i could see the drive being the same.
  13. Does it have to be on? So I was poking the right thing! Nothing happening sadly.
  14. Does it have to be on to use the Paper Clip hole? Where is the hole when I pull it out of the console... but yea... thank you!
  15. I meant Hard Drive, I dropped the 1.4s DVD in the 1.6 and fixed it up.. and it's working I put the 1.6 DVD in the 1.4, and it still doesn't want to open. I hear very little movement inside.. and trying to use the paperclip open method..
  16. Setup the 1.6 to get modded next week. Waiting on chip to come in. I can just plug and play the drive right? Trying to use the paperclip method, still not opening. Gonna try a new band when I can and cleaning out... like the v1.6 had hair, it was so thick with dust that it looked like someone had just gotten their head shaved into it before cleaning out. Never seen dark brown dust before.
  17. @KaosEngineerThank you for the information. I was just trying to describe the screens I see so you knew everything on my X-box. FINAL FRIGGAN VENT ABOUT MY X-BOX.. I swear So, you all know the issues with my Halo X-box.. I coincidentally found an Xbox v1.6 out on the street. Someone had thrown it out, so I brought it home... at first it wasn't working right, no sound, no color. After cleaning, reseating of all cords, etc etc.. it's working like a dream. As for my original X-box, people are still telling me it's a Drive issue... So, I switched the drives on the consoles... the v1.6 drive won't work with the Halo edition, won't even open While the Halo Edition drive, (a Phillips) not only works with the v1.6 console, BUT runs the games better/faster than ever with less noise and better load times. I was able to test Seven Sorrows and the other games that weren't working (Except Stubbs,Since I no longer own it) and they all work now. So.. I'm even more annoyed, and now just going to get rid of it for parts.
  18. Yea, sadly they are still not working. Not sure if my UnleashX is up to date or not. I am starting to think it was either A. Minor factory defect B. Mild Corrosion due to age, the clock capacitor was bad, but there was very little brown gunk that needed cleanup.
  19. The IDE Cable died. I replaced all the cables with new ones I had ordered from Chimeric Systems ( https://www.chimericsystems.com/ ) years ago and forgot to install.. and now it's working again... (The handful of games that didn't work.. still do not work) Dashboard goes EVOX Before loading UnleashX
  20. Power Button boots to Xenium screen Then both the default and UnleashX Dashboards give me the Error 16.
  21. I got rid of Stubbs since it had been re-released for modern consoles, and on sale for the holidays. I still have Seven Sorrows Take a look! https://i.imgur.com/U5Y30yE.jpg Like all the other games, it works perfectly int he 360 with no issue. I'm using the Xenium BIOS https://i.imgur.com/uLpD19z.jpg Sadly, I think I fucked the mod-chip when I put the system back together (All I did was hook up the ribbon and power cables to test a few things) The Default Dashboard never worked, but now UnleashX isn't either.. both give me this error https://i.imgur.com/xNmkmnh.jpg When I turn the system on, or try to load a dashboard, I hear the system dvd drive eye move 4-5 times, which I don't remember hearing before.. the drive is empty. That's what i was afraid of, that it was a defective system, but such a minor defect it only affects a handful of titles. I was trying one last test, but now nothing is working.. I think I hit the modchip. Someone mentioned that there are games, like BloodWake, which won't play if your system time is in the 2010s and beyond. So I was going to set the system to like 2005, and see what happens.... but now I am getting the system needs repair error. https://i.imgur.com/xNmkmnh.jpg
  22. As stated above, for both Stubbs and Seven Sorrows I've tried (They were the easiest to re-create the freezing) Multiple discs Downloading and burning the ISO Installing the disc and Downloading a "HDD READY" version from the net and trying that. None of them work, all freezing at the same point. That's what brought me here, because it's baffling.
  23. #1. I apologize, because I am a new member I am only allowed so many posts per day. #2. I was having these issues BEFORE I modded the X-box (around/just after Thanksgiving). I originally thought the issue was attributed to the disc drive, and was hoping the mod would fix it, by running games off the HDD.. which it did not. The mod is new, having only been installed since ThanksGiving As for Stubbs Before modding I tried it on my Xbox prior to the mod, and it froze at the "Winners don't use drugs" Screen I then tried it in my 360 and it worked perfectly. After the modding the system I tried Stubbs again, didn't work I got a hold of an ISO and burned it to disc... didn't work I used Disc2drive to install the original to my HD, didn't work, then the ISO didn't work. Finally i said "Screw it" and found an "HDD READY" version of Stubbs, put that on my HD........ and it still did not work at all. I tried the same with all the games I know aren't work and are easy to reproduce the freezing, such as Seven Sorrows, which I had shown in my video links. I'm going to say 1.4, since we used the 1.4 guide to install the Xenium Mod Chip I've included close-up images of my various chips and ram just to help Focus Chip - Nvidia Chip - Ram 1 - Ram 2 - I'm using UnleashX as my Dashboard, and I am unsure of the version and BIOS. I've not rebuilt my system since taking the above pictures today, and over the weekend. By some slim chance it's the CPU or GPU, I bought new thermal paste so that I may look at the chips and replace the paste. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0795DP124?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details I'm using the STARTECH IDE to SATA Adapter https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Drive-Optical-Adapter-Converter/dp/B00EOJNGC2/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=23MCIY7JTGJNX&keywords=startech+sata+to+ide&qid=1703735772&s=electronics&sprefix=star+tech+sta+to+ide%2Celectronics%2C108&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 ----- Hopefully that answers everything for now. I've owned the system for a few years (At most 5?), and had these issues since I purchased it. I thought it was a disc drive error, and hoped a mod chip would fix it, so that I could just run games off HDD. System was modded recently, and the issues persisted so now I'm looking for a solutions. Hell, it may just be a defective system!

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