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Everything posted by neildeadman

  1. OK, so I'm not 100% sure what you mean.... I'll need that explaining as I am back to being a noob about all this. This is the only chip and Xbox OG I have, if that is close to what you mean. How do I flash a 2meg backup? Sorry
  2. Right, I finally had the chance to do this. Followed your steps and all went smooth. Now I get to this screen I guess that is good, but with a USB keyboard, or a XBox 360 controller via the Wingman XB2 adapter, I cannot change the selection So close, but yet so far!!
  3. I'll give this a go over the weekend then....
  4. Hold on, I take that back! How did I never see that switch before reviewing my post just now DOH!
  5. Apolgies for the absence and long time to reply. I've been away and unable to spend time with the Xbox to get the info you require. The modchip I have says Xenium but its not like the images you guys have posted. Here is mine: Images above. Thanks very much for taking the time to reply. Pressing the eject button does not take me anywhere different to using the regular power button. I have also tried putting the .bin files on the HDD but that does nothing either.
  6. I found my old Xbox OG in a cupboard and decided I fancied getting it out and playing some old games I had. It boots up to the old dashboard I had (Avalaunch 0.49.3) and games play etc. Reading the latest on the new features of the Xbox OG Modding scene, I see I can now put much bigger HDDs into it as well as some other features such as Cerbios CCIs etc. I'd like to update my BIOS but I can't get into XeniumOS (XOS) to flash the Cerbios .bin - The OpenXenium BIOS utility by MakeMHz says I am on an older version and need to be on 2.5 at least, but I cannot get there either. I've read that powering on with Eject can reboot to XOS or holding the white button (small problem that I don't have the original controllers anymore and am using a Brook Wingman XB2, so maybe that prevents the white button [Left Trigger] being detected at startup). Its such a long time since I did all this I have forgotten everything I learned back when I modded it LOL My aim is to have all my games on a single HDD and use xbmc4gamers|xbmc-emustation as a nice menu system to choose.

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