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Everything posted by D3ATHCOR3DAD

  1. Lots of great suggestions guys, thanks. I'll likely still remove the Disk Drive as I'm wanting to do everything loaded from a drive like in the one video. I'll continue to do research and get other opinions before I settle on a final decision. And yes, I'm either going to leave the original case just as is and give it a paintjob, or I'll 3D print a new case to house it all.
  2. Well, the simple things are a ModChip with one of the custom OSs, HDMI display, SSD, and to get rid of the Disk Drive. I'm essentially trying to combine a few ideas from both of these videos. And I'm more of less just asking if it's possible and what the best way to go about it would be and if any actual hardware upgrades would be necessary for this. (RAM and any other components)
  3. Hello all, new here. Just had some questions about the best ways to bring my dream Xbox to life. What I'm going for overall should be simple in theory, but I'm here to be steered in the right direction if that makes sense. I'm essentially trying to do a combination of a few different mods I've seen videos of. And I'm mostly just here to ask if it's possible to do these things together and the best way to go about it.

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