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Posts posted by jasew503

  1. 3 hours ago, patate said:


    it's here :

    basically you :

    1) use the downloader to update emustation to the latest test version (" xbmc options" from the carousel, then "downloader", then "update" then "emustation test build". )

    2)  do step 1 AGAIN   (the second update is super small)

    3) decide where you want to save the roms (press START to go to the menu in emustation, the "advanced settings", then "roms path", which I set to /F/XBMC-E/Roms  and I set the media to /F/XBMC-E/media

    4) FTP all the roms from resurrection extras to /F/XBMC-E/Roms/snes

    5) use the downloader (" xbmc options" from the carousel, then "downloader", then "artwork", then SNES") to get all the artwork (except the movies)

    6)If you really care,  FTP all the movies from "/Movies" in  resurrection extras to   /F/XBMC-E/media/snes/videos

    7) update your list of roms  (press START to go to the menu in emustation, then "scanner", then "scan all systems"


    you're good to go

    Awesome thanks!  I ended up figuring it out after looking at the contents of each of those folders.  I used to be big into modding OG Xbox's over 10 years ago, I just pulled out a couple I had and decided to chip them.  It's been so long I had forgotten all this stuff, a LOT of progress has been made since the last one I did in 2008.  Amazing.

    For others in the future using the Resurrection Roms Xtras set(s), your earlier post with copy-to locations was perfect and it's exactly what I did.

    --One caveat is the 32X system artwork:  In the resurrection Roms "Sega Genesis" Artwork folders, the 32X game artwork files are mixed in with the Genesis ones.  Some say (32X) at the end of the file name, some don't.  You'll have to copy these separately and put them in their respective "./emustation/media/sega32x/boxart" (etc) folders on the xbox.  Good thing there's less than 30.  Alternatively, if you don't care about having a separate carousel listing for a 32X system, you could just copy all the 32X games into Genesis and they work there too, they'll just be mixed in the list alphabetically with all the Genesis games.  Same goes with Japanese and European Megadrive game art.  You can copy all of the roms from "Japan Licensed" or Europe Licensed" folders into Genesis and they'll be mixed in.  The artwork is already mixed in.  If you want them split up, I put all the Japanese and European Megadrive roms into the /.emustation/roms/megadrive, and all the US Licened Genesis roms into /.emustation/roms/megadrive, and then copied all of the same artwork files into both system's media directories.  Just easier that way, it duplicates the media files, but on a big enough drive a few hundred extra megs used up isn't a big deal.

    (System)/Artwork/3D Boxart   --->  FTP or Copy To--->  /(XBOX Drive Letter where XMBC-Emustation lives)/XBMC-Emustation/.emustation/media/snes/boxart3d

    (System)/Artwork/Box Front   ---> FTP or Copy To--->  /(XBOX Drive Letter where XMBC-Emustation lives)/XBMC-Emustation/.emustation/media/snes/boxart

    (System)/Artwork/Titles   --->  FTP or Copy To--->  /(XBOX Drive Letter where XMBC-Emustation lives)/XBMC-Emustation/.emustation/media/snes/logo

    (System)/Artwork/Action   ---> FTP or Copy To--->  /(XBOX Drive Letter where XMBC-Emustation lives)/XBMC-Emustation/.emustation/media/snes/screenshots

    (System)/Movies   ---> FTP or Copy To--->  /(XBOX Drive Letter where XMBC-Emustation lives)/XBMC-Emustation/.emustation/media/snes/videos

    (System)/Roms   ---> FTP or Copy To--->  /(XBOX Drive Letter where XMBC-Emustation lives)/XBMC-Emustation/.emustation/roms/snes

    Depending on the FTP Program being used, the ".emustation/" directory or folder may be "hidden" from view.  You'll have to enable the viewing of "hidden" directories or folders in order to view it and get into it to copy these files.

    After copying is complete, rescan all systems and they should show up with all the artwork, videos, etc.

    In the resurrection Roms Genesis Artwork folders, the 32X games art files are mixed in with the Genesis ones.  Some say (32X) at the end of the file name, some don't.  You'll have to copy these separately and put in their respective media/sega32x/boxart (etc) folders on the xbox.


  2. 11 hours ago, patate said:

    Alright, I got an answer on reddit from Rocky5.  Basically, what I say is the correct approach to get 100% artwork, but I can also just move the roms over and let the downloader fetch most artwork automatically.


    What was the answer to your post about the Resurrection Extras directory structure if you don't mind me asking?  Trying to figure that out as well. 

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