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XBmc4gamers Locked Up After Downloader Update


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I updated urldownloader last night, and I don’t know if it hung up on the install or what, but now I’m locked up.  When I boot up, I get the same message saying it was updated, with an OK button.  I click the button and it goes away but I’m locked up.  Not sure what to do.  

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I had tried that.  It wouldn’t even let me FTP in.  I ended up putting in a HEXEN disc, and going back to another dash to FTP in.  Then I did a fresh install of XBMC4GAMERS.  I’m running again, but not sure what happened.  

i still need to figure out if this is the same version of XBMC4gamers though.  I was running the version that you had told me about, when you made artwork installer an Application. I’m not sure if the copy I had saved is the same one or the one before that.  How do I find that out?

And is there a config file or something I can backup, when everything is set the way I like, so if I need to do a fresh install again I can save my settings?

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😕 you’re the third person that has had this issue and posted about it, but before I can get any logs to see why. It’s been reinstalled and works fine. 

The one on hexen I don’t know what version it is, but you can update via the dashboard to the latest stable or latest test build. 

If you do go to the test build again and it gives you an issue with the downloader, I need the logs or I can’t fix it. I have zero issues at my end as I test the shite out of it before I upload it. (So it maybe something that’s left over from something that causes it, but without the log I won’t know)


also you can use the artwork installer app on any version or dashboard for that matter as it’s just an app now. 

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Enable fast game parsing in the Programs > Other settings and you won’t need to worry about loading/seeking times. 

if you want sub directories you will need to add new sources with the folders you want added to said source. (You can't have fast game parsing enabled for this)


also if you ever can’t FTP or its crashing to the point you can’t do anything. Hold White+Y on boot and it will go into a recovery menu and give you FTP access. 

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I can confirm this issue with the latest update when applied through the downloader. Fortunately the FTP still works, i was able to recover by deleting the App (as i was booting into xbmc4gamers through a shortcut xbe) and replacing it with the latest Version from Rockys GitHub. So it only seems to have issues with the Version from the downloader.

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This happened to me too. I believe it happened because I updated the URL Downloader while running an older beta, something like 1.3.11? I always do it in this order, URL Downloader, then new beta. But perhaps I should do it the other way around.

It was definitely the system/scripts/autoexec.py script that locked the system up (no IGR, no FTP, etc). Deleting it prevented further lock-ups (but I had permanently broken URL Downloader).

After a clean install of latest stable, I downloaded the latest beta and updating the URL downloader worked fine. It was completely redesigned though (very nice!).

I'll try later if I can reproduce the issue with my broken copy of XBMC4Gamers, I have a backup of autoexec.py so if I didn't mess around too much, maybe.

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