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UPDATED 12/02/25!!!! Custom artwork (_resources) packs for XBMC4Gamers :)


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UPDATE 24/08 The majority of the art in this thread is now included in the Official Artwork Installer available in the XBMC4GAmers/Emustation downloader. There are still some packs that are exclusive to this thread ;)


I am also still working on the Homebrew games that still have no art. :)

This thread contains all the custom _resource packs I have created for XBMC4Gamers.

Each pack contains the various art needed for XBMC4Gamers, 3D covers etc along with a default.xml for the synopsis views. 

XMBC4Gamers Custom Art Download Here

Update 11/09 Added Arcade Rips section, After Burner 1 & 2 and Space Harrier are the first to receive full art packs there. These are based on the Arcade Rip pack from Dominator over at EmuXtras. There is art for some of these games included in the official installer but they are missing certain pieces, my packs here will use the existing art (where available) and fill in the gaps. Where no existing art is available the packs will be fully custom art. These will also use the default.xml synopsis files provided by @NokSueCow.

Update 25/09 @Rocky5 identified an issue with screenshot sizes in some of my packs, He kindly corrected them all on the Official Installer (Thanks :)). I am going through and reupping the packs here with the corrected files, Apps are all done. The rest will follow over the next couple of days. 

Update 04/10 Added another BMX XXX alt artwork, this one uses the image found on the reverse of the official cover. :)

Update 05/11 Added art for Sonic Nexus (Homebrew) and the next 2 games in the Arcade rips pack, Joust 1 & 2 and King of Dragons. Also added an art pack for the Prototype of Stargate SG-1 The Alliance. Credit to @Kracker642 on vgboxart.com who did the great work on the cover i based the pack around. 

Update 20/11 47 new packs added, most are for the Arcade Rips section (some are using the artwork from the officail installer but have had the missing screenshots, fanarts and preview videos added) but also packs added for Coinops 8 Lite/Massive/Tate Ed and Visionary 5 emulator sets. This means the Arcade rip set is almost complete. Only a handful left of that set left to do.  

Update 30/11 Art pack for Dead or Alive 3++ mod added to download link. :)

Update 06/12 Art packs added for Street Fighter 2 - World Warrior, SF2 Champion Edition and SF2 Turbo - Hyper fighting in the Arcade Rips section. Also added a apck for Hydro thunder. This uses the art from the official installer but with the missing fanart, screenshots and preview video added.

Update 07/12 Art pack added for the new homebrew port of SDLPoP (Prince of Persia) from Haguero over on the Xbox Scene discord. 

Update 10/12 Art packs added for 11 more Homebrew titles. I tried to use art from the homebrew game/dev wherever possible, this means that some art packs look a LOT better than others lol.... Depending on how much effort the game dev put in their games art ;)

Update 12/12 Art added for the Homebrew games, Chess Street Fighter, Dead Babies Xtreme and DefendguinX. 

Update 29/12 Art pack added for the new homebrew port "ClassiCube"

Update 01/01 Art pack added for new homebrew release "Matterrun". 

Update 03/01 Art pack added for homebrew "Dodgin Diamond 2X"

Update 06/02 Art pack added for the prototype Halo 2 E3 Multiplayer demo (Zanzibar). Credit to @Swagger for sourcing al the art used to build this set.

Update 12/02 128mb Fanart folder added to download link. See post on page 11 for details. Also added art packs for the prototype games Starcraft Ghost and Shadowrun. 128mb fanart is also available for these in the 128mnb Fanart folder. 




These previews are small to keep the file size down on the thread. 

To use the art packs just copy the _resources folder to the game/app root folder, run XBMC4Gamers, go to the game/app, push the White button and select "Refresh All Info"

Newest Packs (All include screenshots and a preview.mp4)


image.jpeg.ef48ca241655186911a745ba5f5f9d35.jpeg  Hypervision        image.jpeg.10f87a71197240b4253ebe395a03ee51.jpeg  DosXbox Win3.x      image.jpeg.88d1e77de533898947a85ce42ae8e503.jpeg CoinOPS 8 Gems       image.jpeg.b1b59f4c7161e59fd5ae4316b4c2cf27.jpeg HyperVISION 5 Gems

image.jpeg.eb980d0489411966eeb3bc7c32024efd.jpeg Coinops 8 Lite    image.jpeg.fd4058d6fa6ca1df406a1b32febdc702.jpeg Coinops 8 Massive    image.jpeg.a8528a5cd38a908c2fb8eedbfd27cdc6.jpeg Coinops 8 Tate Ed.    image.jpeg.9d6230337f3fefcda47e28b486184d01.jpeg Visionary 5


image.jpeg.a66b19acf24e7ed6c0f647c75a1bcb2e.jpeg  2H4UX               image.jpeg.5c780867f2267171af51197ddb461eac.jpeg  Aero Blasters 2         image.jpeg.2d3dcbe123b1f89bedbe7293b7dc5f4d.jpeg  AmphetimineX           image.jpeg.8eb554577f3aed128ef5818df473d1dc.jpeg  Arcadian Tactics

image.jpeg.0d9fd41859199b922ec8e4a6c403d2c4.jpeg Divi-Dead            image.jpeg.98085e90da099c2efc0871f70b67d6b7.jpeg Sonic Nexus              image.jpeg.a2e252d5de5338ee23426dc5de220945.jpeg SDLPoP                       image.jpeg.f6da3fd0a22ed9ff9b6480f9c678fe4b.jpeg AtomX/2

image.jpeg.64bc88c6f45c6539d29d75d4fdcb9c22.jpeg BakuBakuX2        image.jpeg.c487e54e6e3abd8a1dd043c4147edd8e.jpeg Ballzy                        image.jpeg.602da206064ad1d27bf7108712c028eb.jpeg BarrageX                     image.jpeg.4c4970a946c92ebaf7c55b93a71e91e4.jpeg Battle Pong X

image.jpeg.9ae5bd5dfd6be6dffcbff6864c692be0.jpeg BattleBlocks X     image.jpeg.e945c6f3d8550010ca70f98978d6d296.jpeg Biniax 2                     image.jpeg.1c356c7f892f4d05888cca9386dd1211.jpeg Blasteroids X               image.jpeg.8d1a97f9b77f6646d0c3190858ef6ff9.jpeg Borg Nukem

image.jpeg.6b2b906507e6d696809e1eb4cef0bbf0.jpeg Braxil 2014           image.jpeg.11678e3cccf086fc3df3ec4318930e67.jpeg Breakout X3D           image.jpeg.44b5e7282c3e2c3c90a1fc6c0782f82b.jpeg Chess Street Fighter   image.jpeg.de85145d57c0eb1ca737e1a44adcde94.jpeg Dead Babies Xtreme

image.jpeg.571b94f0d20f7647a55a1c192508a325.jpeg DefendguinX       image.jpeg.8099d70bcf54eb2a73973f9cc2b46339.jpeg ClassiCube                image.jpeg.76b65c6b29f29eea8f1d9df2f5351711.jpeg Matterrun                    image.jpeg.f455b45902875b2c55b8f7507cb56d6b.jpeg Dodgin Diamond 2X

Arcade Standalones

image.jpeg.318b2a0d67d67cae07c77fd3837bed79.jpeg After Burner          image.jpeg.4c6aaa5a83861c1b67c4dec334e8dbf5.jpeg After Burner II    image.jpeg.e7dd436f2d6ee7b2cfa696e1defb5705.jpeg Space Harrier   image.jpeg.83d00bd07ab5625cf35324d0dcb0d04e.jpeg  720°    

image.jpeg.d9a6e832256b46128e5a99424544652e.jpeg 1941                       image.jpeg.757aeae7d867091e587367850a08583b.jpeg 1942                   image.jpeg.915f85bd65d025758c13e581d81fa69f.jpeg  1943                  image.jpeg.e1aafc883b9ee2ff43dcca403cac2634.jpeg 1943 Kai

image.jpeg.2beb147b16eb4978314a063ab7938bb6.jpeg A.P.B                      image.jpeg.270210f336233ac8f356a4b6146b7b6d.jpeg Arch/Spy/Xeno  image.jpeg.1d3552719284c33fab8bbfb206ed4c57.jpeg Avenger            image.jpeg.3d350ae92a7ae67cb8a9f49cf64dec5a.jpeg Badlands          

image.jpeg.15e71c1c232eb06a43c4c92c946c7cb7.jpeg Bionic Commandoimage.jpeg.79e57f4de2a921e9b971863918e99df5.jpeg Black Tiger         image.jpeg.edcc0164dd14d9eee3374aa9f7516d7a.jpeg Blaster              image.jpeg.36722462452943d04bf96d8b6e8568e7.jpeg Block Block

image.jpeg.1808fcf03d03373ba706d969440f4d08.jpeg Capt Commando  image.jpeg.7f96f5da05e6f28e8df1a9136c1798af.jpeg Champ Sprint     image.jpeg.2477a5076a390895f4f9de7e593a7300.jpeg Commando       image.jpeg.4c136249bd7ee1ad9beab21d7372e3fd.jpeg Cyberball 2072

image.jpeg.ae8e1a4854d58001e4e155f134e3dbdd.jpeg Eco Fighters         image.jpeg.b869cdb2fc2896ac46c078255055a5b4.jpeg Exed Exes           image.jpeg.b942bf4eaa9fd4d489ab1d7f0424b370.jpeg Final Fight         image.jpeg.253ddc561d5a206555d2875385f2cc29.jpeg Forgotten Worlds

image.jpeg.015b1d55aad9bb6f218b03d579657843.jpeg Gauntlet                image.jpeg.c9faec0e0bd61e0da7db8d397015ea23.jpeg Gauntlet II           image.jpeg.76f649fd43767377acac5b1dc7ea194a.jpeg Ghosts n Goblins     image.jpeg.710f833bf0747ea882e6f8b8e4158713.jpeg Ghouls n Ghosts

image.jpeg.af9d38818106c905c7c3bfd6e6e7db38.jpeg Gun Smoke          image.jpeg.ecd79353a1de83d00b7fa17940cd4775.jpeg Hard Drivin          image.jpeg.5ab4c6479fbb8d3e8b134653ff2a0860.jpeg Joust 1 & 2        image.jpeg.3bcd72fdb1a7504e56295af3efca386b.jpeg King of Dragons

image.jpeg.c4dd6422bc816829bf57f0887b0bd89a.jpeg KLAX                    image.jpeg.0d265e75040c6c4bdf6b7e06270d064d.jpeg K.O.T.R                 image.jpeg.ecc2df88c6d333259a38e8c32e90161c.jpeg Last Duel          image.jpeg.cabd1fe08730f2aea35a3add7e018089.jpeg Legendary Wings

image.jpeg.49e8653eef9299b6d60dee4871e7f9b5.jpegMad Dog McRee  image.jpeg.9fce56cd3fb3cce92a22e5237e62c66b.jpeg Magic Sword       image.jpeg.1d9c5b27bf709eaf17e9da802c11ac49.jpeg Marble Mad...   image.jpeg.0d38413f92c4074e2a5d18b9897294e7.jpeg Mega Twins

image.jpeg.71b2132f8067466abb7d99aea5e7f649.jpeg NARC Arcade      image.jpeg.05c81ea58a14426c7ea3a37fc57c4d5c.jpeg Offroad Thunder image.jpeg.4671499ed24ef40d3af606f5f36ae731.jpeg OutRun             image.jpeg.1788d9f31741fe0d0049cf026013c8fd.jpeg Paperboy

image.jpeg.29fcb9736462c9f8ed7389629a1af4f3.jpeg Pit Fighter            image.jpeg.38fc3329ba4dd95dfccb0adc638c0821.jpeg Pirate Ship Hige. image.jpeg.8bb6ec672ebf8e14b94c712b055bf9bf.jpeg Primal Rage      image.jpeg.2b8c0137f9d8cf8ab4b969cdd1ecb004.jpeg Quiz/Dragons 

image.jpeg.e8b8f5a71d3e4722701a4e64ea9e7390.jpeg Race Drivin          image.jpeg.86a5085f74f2fd2ff697787f0215f79e.jpeg Rampage             image.jpeg.9cb1065d14e0009714d0061395b2ab06.jpeg Rampart            image.jpeg.4470c149b64f67348e321efa0eb44bef.jpeg Rush 2049

image.jpeg.570ff0c6d945b43d5d234d8ea29887dd.jpeg Rush the Rock     image.jpeg.1eb27089f9875511fa0ce7eeba58a035.jpeg Section Z            image.jpeg.68f7c3bfd0d0997ba5b36169d660ca00.jpeg Side Arms          image.jpeg.a9b3861507f20a4db5f4cb00dc38efe3.jpeg Smash TV

image.jpeg.42503b5f79f50aa555f13214552964e6.jpeg SON SON             image.jpeg.6b097e46b56c9cc7dd234f2a4d1eded9.jpeg Street Fighter     image.jpeg.d977942c37220a5358754df0bc265831.jpeg SF2 WW            image.jpeg.a10e4d70ec642e81a46686e1fa436910.jpeg SF2 Champ Ed

image.jpeg.fde6deb290c1174af0cd486bffd00d1d.jpeg SF2 Turbo HF       image.jpeg.2778a61fffc25f7c87f9fabf26725abc.jpeg Strider                 image.jpeg.920d3d8c3d666741647432e310a41c44.jpeg STUN Runner   image.jpeg.455842d34a229b7fd826ba5bc3f2822a.jpeg Super GnG           

image.jpeg.f5f4ed00c006ad3b4c82dfac9143da16.jpeg Super Off Road    image.jpeg.d502bdb5948910b1da20fd178ffa523d.jpeg SOR Track Pak    image.jpeg.f68124c07637a980020b3eb24e7d5de9.jpeg Super Sprint     image.jpeg.557299c5b9398414db15217b2632e4cf.jpeg Super SF2 T..      

image.jpeg.3e275306a8f4775b03c24dec0ecc16f0.jpeg Speed Rumbler    image.jpeg.85a4b09a6517966b8dd192e999537306.jpeg Three Wonders   image.jpeg.6ad9f2a5f76e586538065c378f9d1d60.jpeg Tiger Road        image.jpeg.5e563ad87836090be2b71622fe800529.jpeg Toobin                  

image.jpeg.df89750b02e40e068d6fd905b2f19a74.jpeg Trojan                    image.jpeg.9bc54a6a571413e532d6f9efe49dbf99.jpeg Varth                   image.jpeg.2d48c9dca0dd7e82a50893a5e182ecf2.jpeg Vindicators        image.jpeg.107b1e1995a038b490c8a0719940ec4e.jpeg Vulgus                  

image.jpeg.139f19ff1b762cfdac4480af236feb5e.jpeg Wizard of Wor      image.jpeg.7de11c3076820233e63846ef89f325a7.jpeg Xybots                 image.jpeg.9eeede4b7b1e1f99225cbf044fa75752.jpeg Hydro Thunder

Retail/Unreleased - Specials

image.jpeg.6ed9080781b3b10e7a65cea6c965de73.jpeg  V8 Supercars Australia 3 (also ALT available)  image.jpeg.fd830020f5338b525adb9153681c6a16.jpeg The Vatz       image.jpeg.0d3b3db0f065f992f752c7762157a8ec.jpeg BMX XXX Alt2 

image.jpeg.e02f28148ed0ba2549671f508fab8890.jpeg Stargate SG-1 The Alliance                                 image.jpeg.f57102994d360d230d9a99034fb20397.jpeg DoA3++        image.jpeg.f58c2922e52fae1cf6e9ed68c5121fda.jpeg Halo 2 E3 Multiplayer Demo

image.jpeg.a185412696f930e8ce5b5c7943f914d8.jpeg Starcraft Ghost                                                     image.jpeg.c172b0223a332f74e274d825f041370a.jpeg Shadowrun

Folder Icons

image.jpeg.742ac6e5ed1d4d3e90337c9fcfc06a2b.jpeg    image.jpeg.2e0caebd843a4190bb4e674e3abb6561.jpeg   image.jpeg.fa593e005d31d403488b4a47f47b7dac.jpeg   image.jpeg.9adc803d5874ddaa4b95312cf1008120.jpeg

Project Deluge Prototypes

These resources packs have been put together by @NokSueCow I will add a few examples below but the entire collection is available in the download links in this thread. :)

 image.jpeg.e8c0eb484b6be8bba08a9e2ddabcd0db.jpeg    image.jpeg.3d100cc98e45889ca52716aa383ea6cc.jpeg   image.jpeg.d6cfed861e4bc399c6123d8ea9efea78.jpeg

And here is a short video of a selection of them in dash.

The below is from NokSueCow- 

"There are 349 Prototypes available for the Xbox from Project Deluge. I only made resource sets for the ones I thought people would care about. If the game was released I didn't create synopsis for it, with the exception of World Champ Pool 2003. It's actually a localized version of Snooker, and is explained in its synopsis. I used Rocky's downloader artwork for the games that were released. I removed their screenshots and preview videos, as they wouldn't be genuine, and trimmed their synopsis to reflect the disc builds.

There are 17 total games that I spent time on, and are displayed in Nikey's video preview of the pack. 8 cancelled, 3 E3 Demos, 1 ComicCon, and 5 XDK Recovery's.

American Idol loads and plays, Cars plays, Freedom Fighters plays, Hail to the Chimp requires a debug bios, He Man only plays in 480p, Made Man requires debug, Pacman Rally plays but only the hud is visible, Street Hoops plays, I couldn't get Marvel Nemesis, The Red Star, The Vatz, or US Open to play, possible debug requirement, and only 1 of the 5 XDK's would play, build 5028. 

Freedom Fighters doesn't have a preview video, the game files just don't have any. I couldn't get some of these to extract, either. I tried Repackinator, Mulleter, Extract-Xiso, CXbox, Qwix, nothing worked. The xiso to hdd script didn't work as well.

Most of the game folders had to be trimmed for FatX, so you won't be able to just drop these into F/Protos and install easily, unfortunately. On pc, the whole set with resources take 838GB. And some of the pics of the physical game discs were taken at a weird angle, so it was hard to make it look perfect in photoshop."


Anything above this text has been added AFTER 01/09/24 and are NOT yet included the Official Artwork Installer :) I'm slowly working through ALL the missing art for Homebrew games/ports (except standalone BOR games - Too many of them and BOR is better as a pack anyway :))

Xenon Xyanide Emu Pack Art

image.jpeg.15e37525ce29d3e1067c569157dcf8c4.jpeg     image.jpeg.0ec530a43fa2393abc48c86fcd24bdf8.jpeg     image.jpeg.8ef9430dee6f72409adba5f7cc6b7f3d.jpeg     image.jpeg.a67aa7ece24c829cc7f34305fea50f53.jpeg     image.jpeg.6da6049c0c14ee7e6374251f2451c82d.jpeg     image.jpeg.8cdc16eb675c4300e2c9395ef6c61ca4.jpeg     image.jpeg.01cbfd8ce3594e788922c13314c621a3.jpeg     image.jpeg.480d961850978757a2ac02d47ad0ae53.jpeg    

image.jpeg.bd3ca6494468babacfbd3451352d6fc2.jpeg     image.jpeg.9527e82f4304e389d2caf628ea627287.jpeg



image.jpeg.771c6e6b4dfb0bc281929696007e8ef5.jpeg Avalaunch                           image.jpeg.f30c29f04c3dad40bceabf813bf38b95.jpeg Bios Checker                    image.jpeg.e1504d0d05ffad763ec9ccd19789a8c4.jpeg BoXplorer                      

image.jpeg.10a56d42b54f7ab0b1a6ae566e257139.jpeg Cerbios Flasher Disc         image.jpeg.4112352448548b195f8a247e1a6d344f.jpeg Config Magic                     image.jpeg.d2795900b950dcb03196c951109843fc.jpeg Controller Tester       

image.jpeg.dc5f9efaa327eae2b3b9720188151936.jpeg DVD2Xbox                         image.jpeg.70b6bc181a871806b34b582e652d76b2.jpeg Enigmah                             image.jpeg.548098ecc6bbf16bfba0afdc08fb12ef.jpeg Insignia Setup                    

image.jpeg.a7caf511f1f3b1734c386a0810a6f376.jpeg Insignia Setup                   image.jpeg.4fee1f9ee624f85cbc58433535360c4a.jpeg Evolution X                          image.jpeg.8389d1a76a803e2ad066deb32efad38b.jpeg Chimp

image.jpeg.598fd337965adcc691336b19f8fa24b4.jpeg HDTV Test App                  image.jpeg.dc8571b168406589bec3d4c7882eb5ed.jpeg Mouse Test                        image.jpeg.5c108d0da21f9dfe9d77dbd1bae31e49.jpeg Unleash X                      

image.jpeg.10c21916cc39794d4c620af71fe86695.jpeg Xblast OS                           image.jpeg.3856633abdde3f7bccab53064b146fae.jpeg Xbox Version Detector      image.jpeg.5566e25e11c0b099fe958e47ab814a8f.jpeg Xbox HD+                 

image.jpeg.c796fc340050d11d2a31a8716140f0c5.jpeg Xbox Watch                        image.jpeg.ac4c4c8a4c07dadf8bc0466c9bf48b35.jpeg XBpartitioner                     image.jpeg.2a7a1d8b6ac2be2da13e6521b9c8709c.jpeg XCAT                                  

image.jpeg.41fbcb8e955127233db5428cc9be5e03.jpeg XBcommander                   image.jpeg.25e44b0e4b4391d7be19fc147df2a0c4.jpeg Xenium Tools                      image.jpeg.3429e174233c74a6d92cc53d2f7e2a5e.jpeg XBMC4Xbox

 image.jpeg.66502dc3eea2d5748f8428bbd53e7f40.jpeg Xored Trainer Launcher   image.jpeg.c01fb5b64616f07ceec310952ac307a0.jpeg XToolBox                             image.jpeg.ded50d946b45113e6af99e9e9a562f0b.jpeg PrometheOS Tools

image.jpeg.a73d3a57d7f35ae998393d3f9c565247.jpeg  UnleashX ALT



image.jpeg.6420515177c225d093e6b170f0a32406.jpeg Amiga CD32                       image.jpeg.f39fc5843fb31124d2654917fa0adb7b.jpeg Coinops 6                            image.jpeg.40b19dc261db008dcb94e63471b690ed.jpeg Coinops 6 Adult           

image.jpeg.940b13559fa8f32fcdf25430eff57e41.jpeg Coinops 6 Adult Alt           image.jpeg.ec794dea5954a24d8edd7c9738f3b285.jpeg Coinops 8 Adult                   image.jpeg.bc4af718910f5645e412a5b6220c0beb.jpeg Coinops 8 Adult Alt   

image.jpeg.027be09b183a63c34ce0e16b59c40b17.jpeg Capcom CPS3                   image.jpeg.99c65203ddaaa7c5682b57933478b0a3.jpeg DosboX                                 image.jpeg.b393dc487fe4ad7a7a43be84f8c454b3.jpeg Killer Instinct 1/2               

image.jpeg.dea73c045e191a99e7103740053cd7a4.jpeg Vectrex                              image.jpeg.79541af8f1061099586bd4011f7e5c91.jpeg Mortal Kombat Arcade         image.jpeg.a9221c03391dae1640f4bf6448849b08.jpeg PC98 

image.jpeg.7c2fd56c318e16f919dd20d26e956026.jpeg Ninja                                   image.jpeg.e546aae139cbe31741cc7db4f875df0b.jpeg Atari Jaguar                          image.jpeg.773bd1289a557c61462c71246a09d063.jpeg Final Burn Consoles       

image.jpeg.61c8d9973c660cf3b4951667d0da8b62.jpeg SAM Coupe                        image.jpeg.25804a217ecb157135fe33960c6adca5.jpeg Big Ass Emulator Discs        image.jpeg.a80e1131dd129fcc489048bdd4685c28.jpeg BAED (Spicy)             

image.jpeg.fae72e6409c34f9d079d200c1fa51539.jpeg TI-99


Unreleased Games

image.jpeg.2ea77008cf501a00568897a467b25603.jpeg Lamborghini                       image.jpeg.b778e9518e5308094a5da1bda186ff0a.jpeg Re-Volt                                  image.jpeg.7ac1642097613b2b8989cef4d081046d.jpeg Dinosaur Hunting (ENG)

image.jpeg.6d29bf7cbae484f7219e2b431ebb3a84.jpeg The Fast and the Furious  image.jpeg.f77fe76b20991a139a0081a2bca2648b.jpeg Project Velocity                    image.jpeg.0fa78b01456cbdad0a30380d45fbd972.jpeg Storm Riders               

image.jpeg.6bdaa9f206ef5c8b2e64ba5104dfd3ef.jpeg KoF '96 Re-Bout                 image.jpeg.0036a5e57103d3f6631342a8ab43457e.jpeg Halo 2 Alpha                         image.jpeg.49dba8f08e5ea1f5b4aa3e82febfe431.jpeg Halo 2 Beta


Retail (Alts)

 image.jpeg.07d99ec3e3a5bec2d4ef7315a186c797.jpeg EXChaser (JPN)                 image.jpeg.5136f47beb417c34e14396bc53aabe7a.jpeg Tenchu 3 (JPN)                    image.jpeg.32c224941f65ab4a48230bf2254072df.jpeg  DOA 2 Ultimate              

image.jpeg.3df4dd47145d25e17c954dc65eec42f3.jpeg Bad Boys 2 PAL                   image.jpeg.3d7eef470bc8abed59490b8bd5e39d03.jpeg DOA XBV Nude Edition       image.png.5052fb5599ebaf5a14252e5c0cd20c70.png  Playboy The Mansion

image.png.b4ad4dc0db3ffe32bb0495b722f38210.png Playboy The Mansion ALT  image.jpeg.85aa265f251fcad8811fa25be8b9091e.jpeg BMX XXX                              image.jpeg.3827f06fab4064b55c945d9140e50e84.jpeg BMX XXX ALT

image.jpeg.11f53521584e33d77b2b926da97a94d4.jpeg Larry MCL Alt                      image.jpeg.7ad95e8e799a2004ed22a45bc23b0409.jpeg Larry MCL Alt2


Homebrew Games and Ports

image.jpeg.7c7c56627c100754dee4175bbb8236cb.jpeg Mario 64                               image.jpeg.7845062515933e201b3f75f9d5d8d327.jpeg The Griffon Legend            image.jpeg.ef4479129c391e5a192077285e66a863.jpeg Hydra Castle Labyrinth   

image.jpeg.42d1cc48d459d133e34cf676a484777f.jpeg Sonic CD                               image.jpeg.1e8fb6e38c0eba752ebcae3a419dd0fa.jpeg StepmaniaX                        image.jpeg.2e15fc1544d885e315d4a7ec82407a9e.jpeg ExUltX                         

image.jpeg.ef8081076069b7b0c43bac520186a958.jpeg Jump and Bump                   image.jpeg.2aacbd6cab7aa57f43a8060396463b3e.jpeg PowermangaX                    image.jpeg.583a0f5707d6a24f858ac43123768b5d.jpeg CcelesteX                          

image.jpeg.2ea2fb5730ab03e7024ead27d98735b5.jpeg LOZ-Navi's Quest                 image.jpeg.e5558d79818d4e01f3526f678ea681ae.jpeg Zelda 3                               image.jpeg.c44626db681d3a868ccda068920a1a76.jpeg Tomb Raider 2

image.jpeg.5c33eaf68f69cea937dac104dbb46aa6.jpeg Tomb Raider 3                      image.jpeg.f65dcd7a6f32dd5ed8c0ef1006a43551.jpeg Blobwars                            image.jpeg.f219020e215ce76297ea04e19932df40.jpeg  Bubble Trouble               

image.jpeg.9427abf4e4be4f630b29df0311934d9b.jpeg Catacombs 3D                      image.jpeg.8dc6f934aa169008952f73ceb67d749e.jpeg Divi-Dead                          image.jpeg.f1b40f8719155210c835ad11eb278eb8.jpeg Doom Legacy              

image.jpeg.6286c612083053044de7feefddd2a840.jpeg Legend of Edgar                   image.jpeg.8242e43d25ad9632fd24d8eea9cfb814.jpeg Giddy 3                             image.jpeg.c76f96e754931fe255f602f41007ca04.jpeg Kobo X                               

image.jpeg Me & My Shadow                  image.jpeg.da51cf03030b537e3ecb01d092faf09f.jpeg Nam 98                             image.jpeg.fa37d29018f416e5aefc1f8f1f1791cf.jpeg Noiz2sa

image.jpeg.2272c46668558a277ba2c5cf69d64528.jpeg Doom Odamex                      image.jpeg.f51c116bf2b405c722162d08006c6e90.jpeg Open TTD                         image.jpeg.8dab8b54788adfc15301a736509a1f4a.jpeg RawX                                

image.jpeg.c3ffeeef39de5d8dcaf9fb80d59fbe1c.jpeg Reminiscence                        image.jpeg.32ab764ca17bb5930bb834aa8e939faa.jpeg RoadFighterX                   image.jpeg.40bf60ddce2da9b381e091a45e2cf620.jpeg RockbotX                     

image.jpeg.c8e7b420a3b4cf2f29737a1f02189375.jpeg RuXia 2018                            image.jpeg.a410539d3219c194e6ecf3b77eb4f35c.jpeg Secret Maryo Chronicles image.jpeg.51d782e80b0efe9c95dd3c8d98869cc9.jpeg Spear of Destiny 1           

image.jpeg.afe69f55d76fc475290ccc86196fa213.jpeg Spear of Destiny 2                image.jpeg.cc27c802248864f53b614d8faf89249c.jpeg Spear of Destiny 3           image.jpeg.d01d049d6a9ad2000ea9a26e612432c0.jpeg XDink

image.jpeg.fbd1009b1d1603cd7450796e868bc72c.jpeg Maze of Galious                    image.jpeg.674c451eb0061c956bd7715b80b13d4e.jpeg XUrQuan                           image.jpeg.cb39f94b92145e1c71f70e611adfb500.jpeg XVVVVX

image.jpeg.2652f6906b73c01293715c737657171b.jpeg Hexen 2 Portal Of Praevus


Xbox Exhibition Discs

image.jpeg.932a2d247446269d6810d7da893e2090.jpeg   image.jpeg.f2d71b9a6e88bb89b53338b016a169c3.jpeg   image.jpeg.126ed5593e3950f95d7053f39e462f48.jpeg   image.jpeg.4494af58ba59d1650435b48ea9f6114a.jpeg   image.jpeg.c4daa55396f8d00fb93847a1cb798241.jpeg   image.jpeg.9c15998c0de1dc2a5a04fbd9f92c0237.jpeg   image.jpeg.588ce1bcd4865f2669662bea0ec1871f.jpeg


Xbox Demo Discs (56 discs in total)

   image.jpeg.2547553c6ca0d2e5dd0ff035b3f93537.jpeg   image.jpeg.a60782647d91f97256b77b688fef06be.jpeg

Root Source Thumbnails (these are used in the Root menu)

 image.jpeg.3be64ed9f28dca471f041e2549a6f5a9.jpeg image.jpeg.66a5a45f8df0dc187c817fd49e5e21fb.jpeg image.jpeg.4c10bcafd428a07d84699b337cbb6f10.jpeg image.jpeg.42201069e1339dda55e3d9a1ef818eb7.jpeg image.jpeg.42722ac862d3d629760eccd27a150dda.jpeg image.jpeg.e6a12d83431d76e34ccd1474084b5c21.jpeg image.jpeg.4c13e88191a6fc80779fa6748a74acce.jpeg image.jpeg.b7775ed63c5aedec06624ae984e63cd3.jpeg image.jpeg.00cde6c5dc7ca2ca635ee09d723de261.jpeg

Can make others of these on request :)


Icons for Alphabetised Games Folders

image.jpeg.82491723e3713ce6ccac0160c4b36e67.jpeg image.jpeg.56cf2c0bfa38edd99c700055d65382f6.jpeg image.jpeg.fdbfaf35f763b254531d2b11310ab6d7.jpeg image.jpeg.ad46d99b4b3e22603a228b43f439dcc7.jpeg image.jpeg.6fbf572b2d0b420d652287cef91d19c4.jpeg 

# A-Z in full set, each one must be renamed to folder.jpg and dropped into correct lettered folder.

The above two sets go really well with the OGXBOX theme available from the XBMC4Gamers downloader. Here's a quick peek at how it all looks.

XMBC4Gamers Custom Art Download Here

Open to requests for any art you might be missing from your setup if it is not already in the official Art Installer. 

Credit due to @sweetdarkdestiny for art used in a LOT of the App packs and @RoofTop for his pack over at Emuxtras for the Emulator artwork and some of the art used for some Homebrew games/ports. (I presume its the same Rooftop here lol). Also credit goes to @Bomb Bloke for some great work providing me with a great starting point on a few of those homebrew covers.

@NokSueCow Has been working on the default.xml files for a lot of homebrew and emulators, making sure they are up to date and correct. I will update the art packs with his files as and when he completes them. The exhibition discs and Xenon Xyanide emu packs are already done. 

Huge thanks to @Rocky5 for doing all the hard work in creating the Photoshop templates used in creating these _resource packs and for the absolute best modern Xbox dashboard available today, XBMC4Gamers

The next step in my project will be going through all this art and the art in the official installer and adding screenshots and preview videos where missing. I now have a capture setup ready to go :)







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It seems like the super mario 64 is already on there by the fact that a lot of applications that have no art will get the art and name for mario 64. It's actually super annoying to have 5-10 apps of mine rename themselves all to Mario 64 and change the artwork every time you update it through the installer... Then you need to manually rename them all and delete the art.

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2 hours ago, Raidernick said:

It seems like the super mario 64 is already on there by the fact that a lot of applications that have no art will get the art and name for mario 64. It's actually super annoying to have 5-10 apps of mine rename themselves all to Mario 64 and change the artwork every time you update it through the installer... Then you need to manually rename them all and delete the art.

Yeah its kind of annoying.  I got real close to finishing all art but didnt quite finish.  I have some apps and homebrew to do but rest is done

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8 hours ago, Raidernick said:

It seems like the super mario 64 is already on there by the fact that a lot of applications that have no art will get the art and name for mario 64. It's actually super annoying to have 5-10 apps of mine rename themselves all to Mario 64 and change the artwork every time you update it through the installer... Then you need to manually rename them all and delete the art.

I haven't had that issue myself. Hence why I went and created a set of art. I will have to look into the files from the Artwork Installer and see if it has any files for Mario. It's probably better than mine anyway so I don't mind overwriting my effort lol.

5 hours ago, Donnie-Burger said:

Yeah its kind of annoying.  I got real close to finishing all art but didnt quite finish.  I have some apps and homebrew to do but rest is done

Would you share the art you have done somewhere please? Or is there a link out there already that I haven't found yet? :)

Maybe I can finish of the ones you didn't get done.... 

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So I found the Mario 64 that is in the Art Installer. Have zero idea why I didn't notice it was there before..... Think I need to get some glasses lol. Anyway I think I prefer my cover for it lol. 

Also I should add that I didn't include any of the cd/cdposter/cd_small.png's In my art as the generic one is fine that shows up in the dash anyway :)

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14 hours ago, Raidernick said:

It seems like the super mario 64 is already on there by the fact that a lot of applications that have no art will get the art and name for mario 64. It's actually super annoying to have 5-10 apps of mine rename themselves all to Mario 64 and change the artwork every time you update it through the installer... Then you need to manually rename them all and delete the art.

Shouldn’t need to rename them with the v2.0 stable. It will use the xbe name if no resources are found. 

but the artwork installer should be skipping stuff that doesn’t match within 80% of the folder name or xbe name. (Redownload artwork installer the update if it’s not)


@nikeymikeydoes yours have the alt_synospsis.jpg? ie are you on the latest version of the artwork process stuff?

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50 minutes ago, Rocky5 said:

@nikeymikeydoes yours have the alt_synospsis.jpg? ie are you on the latest version of the artwork process stuff?

I take it you are meaning my Mario art? If so then yes its has an alt_synopsis.jpg. see attached.

For the artwork process stuff, do you mean the artwork builder.zip from github/google drive? Again if so then yes. 

I have been resizing and renaming everything manually though as I could not get any of the  "build XXXX" batch files to work with anything custom such as the ones in the 1st post.



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@Rocky5 Forgot to add, also not only can I not get the batch files to run, I also cannot get the "Open Case Back (Disc)" to complete either. As far as I know I am using the correct version of Photoshop that you mentioned in another thread and all the other automations work perfectly. I have come up with a work around but if I could get that one working , along with those batch files it would be a lot easier/quicker lol

Any suggestions? 

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19 hours ago, nikeymikey said:

I have been building a new 6tb setup and as a result have had to create some artwork for a few things that are not on the XBMC4Gamers Artwork Installer. 

Thought I would share them here :)

image.png.d06ae0d87876431d68665aa0a3849403.png Coinops Ninja Premium

image.png.f8148ba2918e1df1c866e648b4c007d4.png Super Mario 64 Xbox Port

image.png.bbddf311a42009c41b632f11a6724584.png Coinops 6

image.png.bd7f2ac1e251716010d33eec1418400b.png Coinops 6 Adult Edition

image.png.f0d15eebbb387914dcf67bd4962ec27f.png Coinops 6 Adult Edition Alt

image.png.986558eddc8b65a8c00aa3a011a4a973.png Coinops 8 Adult Edition

image.png.64b53c15e2c4c0a5e386c80a5a423629.png Coinops 8 Adult Edition Alt

These are full _resource folders inc synopsis and preview videos. 

The coinops emulator packs are available at backups.me if you want them. ;) 

Please let me know below if you spot any errors, I have checked everything afaik but.... 

The title ID's in the synopsis are completely made up :)

To use the art packs just copy the _resources folder to the game/app root folder, run XBMC4Gamers, go to the game/app, push the White button and select "Refresh Synopsis Info"

I've got the artwork making process down now (afaik) so if you have any app or anything that is missing art that is not available on the official artwork installer then put a message below and I MIGHT be tempted to make the art for you (if I can find good enough source material (logo's etc)) No promises tho :)


That last Coinops cover is gold. 😛

...Mario 64 Xbox port? whuuut?

Edit: Oh, from the decompilation/reverse-engineering project. I remember that. Guess it got ported over. VERY fuckin' cool.  I can't find it hosted anywhere. Can anybody help me?

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28 minutes ago, Bowlsnapper said:

That last Coinops cover is gold. 😛

...Mario 64 Xbox port? whuuut?

believe it or not that is the actual artwork image used on the default.tbn in the Coinops 8 Adult Ed. I was lucky to find the exact same image so used it for the XBMC4Gamers version :)

The default.tbn is at a silly angle tho and I couldn't be arsed to try and correct it.. I have attached it for you seeing as you like that one so much :D 


I might do another version of mine with the "Coinops" at the bottom now I've seen this one again lol

Hopefully rocky can point out why the art building batch files wont work for me so I can speed up the process a bit. I have around 30 app covers waiting to be processed.....

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12 hours ago, Rocky5 said:

Shouldn’t need to rename them with the v2.0 stable. It will use the xbe name if no resources are found. 

but the artwork installer should be skipping stuff that doesn’t match within 80% of the folder name or xbe name. (Redownload artwork installer the update if it’s not)


@nikeymikeydoes yours have the alt_synospsis.jpg? ie are you on the latest version of the artwork process stuff?

This was last week when I got a fresh install of the artwork installer and did a "find all missing artwork". It changed about half of my applications to Mario64 for the name and pictures. Is this v2.0 not the latest version available through the url downloader on the console? Do I need to get it elsewhere?

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15 hours ago, nikeymikey said:

@Rocky5 Forgot to add, also not only can I not get the batch files to run, I also cannot get the "Open Case Back (Disc)" to complete either. As far as I know I am using the correct version of Photoshop that you mentioned in another thread and all the other automations work perfectly. I have come up with a work around but if I could get that one working , along with those batch files it would be a lot easier/quicker lol

Any suggestions? 

The folder goes on the root of C for the one that processes the scans into assets for the artwork builder source to build into Xbox artwork. The builds artwork folder with all the bat files can be anywhere, but you need to install imagemagick that comes with it or they won’t work. (That version as the newer ones don’t work and u would need to change stuff)


don’t get errors or what happens when you run the bat files? (Or batch process in photoshop with the PSD’s. You did add the actions file?)

7 hours ago, Raidernick said:

This was last week when I got a fresh install of the artwork installer and did a "find all missing artwork". It changed about half of my applications to Mario64 for the name and pictures. Is this v2.0 not the latest version available through the url downloader on the console? Do I need to get it elsewhere?

V3.1 is the latest, has nee processed artwork and videos with a few notes apps added, plus’s it fuzzes names, so the xbes with all zero title ids won’t all end up as Mario 😂 or XblastOS 🙈.

The joys of a lot of homebrew and applications all using the same titkeids 😑 am sure most off the homebrew on the downloader have a titleid override file, you can add one to stuff you don’t want processed, just put a random ID in there and the artwork installer won’t find it. 

Oh and yes downloader is where you get it all.

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2 hours ago, Rocky5 said:

The folder goes on the root of C for the one that processes the scans into assets for the artwork builder source to build into Xbox artwork. The builds artwork folder with all the bat files can be anywhere, but you need to install imagemagick that comes with it or they won’t work. (That version as the newer ones don’t work and u would need to change stuff)


don’t get errors or what happens when you run the bat files? (Or batch process in photoshop with the PSD’s. You did add the actions file?)

I have fixed the issue with the "Open Case Back (Disc)" automation not running.... my cd images were jpg, as soon as I changed to png it worked perfectly. Dumbass user error there on my part ffs lol.  I know have all the photoshop PSD batch actions working. :)

Now onto the other issue lol... The batch files for building the artwork. These will run but ONLY ever process the example art that comes with the pack. So the MS Dash and 007. None of my custom art ever gets picked up.

I have copied the created art folders from the Create _Resources Artwork folder into the same folder as the batch files. Dropped the folder onto the batch file and it runs but only your included art ever gets actually processed. I have attached a video file to show you exactly what is happening. :)

I must be missing something here? I need to make this work as this will save lots of time lol :)

Thanks for all the help you have given me so far with this and thanks in advance for any more lol :P 


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Yeah you need to name them a certain way. Well they all need to match.


MSDash-MT for example for all files related to that games/app.

the above will process them and create a thumb image at middle top of the poster image. (You work out where you have a logo or something people will know what game it is)

also it uses the poster images to process the rest. All images must be png, bar the scans files. 

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1 hour ago, Rocky5 said:

Yeah you need to name them a certain way. Well they all need to match.


MSDash-MT for example for all files related to that games/app.

the above will process them and create a thumb image at middle top of the poster image. (You work out where you have a logo or something people will know what game it is)

also it uses the poster images to process the rest. All images must be png, bar the scans files. 

Ah the problem might be in some of my images not being png. They are all named the same tho. 

Will see how i get on with changing them all to png :)


EDIT- @Rocky5 All images are already png. Also all names match. Will have a play around with it a bit more but it seems it just doesn't like me lol

EDIT 2 - FIXED IT!! I had to add -T to ALL the filenames (xxxxxx-T.png) and IT WORKED!!! 


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4 hours ago, nikeymikey said:

Ah the problem might be in some of my images not being png. They are all named the same tho. 

Will see how i get on with changing them all to png :)


EDIT- @Rocky5 All images are already png. Also all names match. Will have a play around with it a bit more but it seems it just doesn't like me lol

EDIT 2 - FIXED IT!! I had to add -T to ALL the filenames (xxxxxx-T.png) and IT WORKED!!! 


-T = top

-MT = middle top

-M = middle

-MB = middle bottom

-B = bottom


they are required for the process to function. (Hence the name them a certain way 😂)

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8 minutes ago, Rocky5 said:

-T = top

-MT = middle top

-M = middle

-MB = middle bottom

-B = bottom


they are required for the process to function. (Hence the name them a certain way 😂)

Aha that makes sense. Luckily the majority of the art I have made has the logo at the top :)

There may be one or two that I need to redo now I know that naming scheme :) 

Again thanks for ALL the help and pointers. I will upload all my _resource pack somewhere and post them here. I have some for Apps that are not in the current installer. Just got to do fill out the default.xml's and gather some fanart, screenshots and videos now.... so just a little bit of work lol. 

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1 hour ago, nikeymikey said:

Aha that makes sense. Luckily the majority of the art I have made has the logo at the top :)

There may be one or two that I need to redo now I know that naming scheme :) 

Again thanks for ALL the help and pointers. I will upload all my _resource pack somewhere and post them here. I have some for Apps that are not in the current installer. Just got to do fill out the default.xml's and gather some fanart, screenshots and videos now.... so just a little bit of work lol. 


use this for processing videos for previews. Saves me having to redo them if I were to add them to the installer. 
(leave configs as is, best settings and will match all mine)

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7 hours ago, Rocky5 said:


use this for processing videos for previews. Saves me having to redo them if I were to add them to the installer. 
(leave configs as is, best settings and will match all mine)

Ok will do! :) 

Any instructions on this? Which bat file should I use? Any specifics needed? :)


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7 hours ago, nikeymikey said:

Ok will do! :) 

Any instructions on this? Which bat file should I use? Any specifics needed? :)


Nah just run make preview one (without region) it will make a 2 folders, plonk your videos in the input files folder and run it. 

it will auto crop videos, add a fade in and out (audio also) and reduce there size for the preview window. Also smaller size and good quality even on a 55” screen. 

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  • nikeymikey changed the title to UPDATED!!!! A few MORE bits of custom artwork (_resources) for XBMC4Gamers :)
  • nikeymikey changed the title to UPDATED 12/02/25!!!! Custom artwork (_resources) packs for XBMC4Gamers :)
  • OGXbox Admin pinned this topic

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