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Found 16 results

  1. Wanting to avoid paying single piece prices so I'm looking for a good vendor that offers quantity discounts on quality IDE cables and the replacement, full-length controller replacement cables. Any recommendations or success stories? Thanks.
  2. Anyone know where to find the source code for the Xbox version of ScummVM? The last one I recall was version 1.4 or around there.
  3. Everytime i try to get insignia on my xbox it says it can't connect to the server than i go the troubleshooting and it says that the DNS can't be resolved i am running the connection from a bridged connection on my pc could that be causing it?
  4. greetings all i came across a SHOOT-EM-UP game called DEADBABIES created buy [email protected] in the link bellow he has supplied both the original v1 and final versions of DeadBabbiesX. along with the source-code. in the readme.txt he states that he is not interested in pursuing or modding the game anymore https://legacy.downloads.diomtec.com/index.php?p=homebrew/xbins/Console Based Applications//games/DeadBabiesX/ playing his version i noticed a lot of things unfinished (BUT) the game dose have potential i have only done simple modding to the png files along with adding SATAN music ...(lol) i only have basic coding abilities and really just want to combine the better parts of V1 & Final version as a project. i have no clue on were to start and could benefit from any help you guys want to give me on setting openXDK up OPEN XDK link https://sourceforge.net/projects/openxdk/ link to my copy of the modded game and my improvements so far https://www.file.io/o17Q/download/MgbXWXg7dTIE
  5. Does anyone know the exact part for the D0 connectors on these Xeniums? I think I lost mine and didn't realize until I went to go install these. A member contacted me about the SP ICE and send me full set. Tried it, though I think the solder-less adapter is bad. So I soldered header pins and went to install the 24k...without a D0 harness.
  6. I've got 4 Xboxes I've softmodded for my family using Rocky's softmod tool, and I nulled the keys as well during that process (all zeros, but will soon upgrade to all ones to be compatible with Insignia - hopefully its an easy process to upgrade the softmod dashboard/tool). I currently have a larger drive in one of them that has the dashboard, emulators, and games set up just the way I want it. I want to put larger hard drives in the other three and have all four be the exact same setup. Rather than cloning the stock hard drive to a larger drive during the upgrade process and then spending the lengthy time FTPing over the hundreds of MB's of data with the data rate transmission limitations and drop outs inherent with FTP, since all the XBOX's have nulled keys I was planning on just taking the larger drive I've already set up and cloning it 3 times - and then putting those cloned drives into the other 3 xboxes. Much simpler and quicker. However, with Insignia needing the Serial Number, HDD Key, and Online Key for each Xbox would cloning a hard drive from one xbox and putting that newly created hard drive into another xbox change the way the serial number or online key is read in the "newly upgraded" Xbox and make it incompatible with Insignia? Or does it not matter as it will just pull the serial number and online key from the mobo and doing what I described above will still be compatible with Insignia? Thanks all!
  7. I looked all over the internet and I didn't find it, I also heard that it is very difficult to find, can someone give me the link if you have it?
  8. I’m having a difficult time finding a replacement flex cable connecting the laser to the pcb. Sumitomo G Awm 2896 80c Vw 1 20 Pin. If anyone has an old dead drive or can help me find this, I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. Just checking to see if there are any devs that would like to look into any of these games that have the source available. I know some have already been ported to xbox, however there are quite a few that would be interesting to see running. https://github.com/historicalsource?tab=repositories Here is the original thread where I came across it. Thanks to Anthony for bringing it up. https://www.dreamcast-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14362&sid=6ed6fdb2d6b35f40b68765561d4d2f92
  10. So I have started a small Wiki on information I know on the xbox source code available It's small and early days so far, but hopefully it will be of help! If anyone knows any info I should add or anything I have got wrong please contribute! So far: Known Environment Variables Root Source Tree Structure https://github.com/Empyreal96/xbox-original-info
  11. A bit late to the party as it's been floating around for ages.. The past few months I have been tinkering with the Xbox tree seeing how it works.. and much like my work with the NT 5 tree, Environment Variables will totally change a build. I'm making this thread to list down what environment variables I know (most will already know this), as a reference for me and anyone interested.. Also citation on errors or misinformation is greatly welcomed, I won't be putting the standard "_NT386TREE" kind of ones.. Anything with a * I am unsure about.. These are related to targeting "Retail" and trigger quite a few changes during build. • RETAILXM3=1 • OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 * or • RETAILXM3P=1 • OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 * This one caused a load of errors, I didnt look much into this one yet. • COVERAGE_BUILD=1 * For some reason this one was never set for the tree I work with, some postbuild scripts require this. • _BUILDVER=4400 This one seems to affect more 'closer to production' build options, several postbuild scripts rely on this set. • COMPUTERNAME=XBuilds This one needs to be set before razzle gets to "ntuser.cmd" as it specifies build options. • NTDEBUG=release Causes: • 'ltcg ~dm' to be added to %BUILD_OPTIONS% • sets NTDEBUG=ntsdnodbg • sets NODEVKIT=1 But setting to: • NTDEBUG=free Causes: • 'ltcg profile' to be added to %BUILD_OPTIONS% • NODEVKIT=1 These are related to Checked builds. • BUILD_ALT_DIR=d • CHECKED_ALT_DIR= * • FREEBUILD=0 * This one is presumably set on retail builds • FREEBUILD=0 * This one in theory enables some alternative textures and model placements for the dashboard, most likely used during testing. • COOL_DASH=1 * This one I am unsure about its purpose, it's referenced throughout the code.. • SILVER= I will add more as I find them, if anyone else knows any worth noting please add!
  12. *Disclaimer: No links to file will be provided, this is for discussion only* Not sure if anyone has yet, but I have been running a diff between Barnabus Kernel Repack and the 4400 leak Kernel Tree.. I've only just started looking through, and I have next to no C++, C and C# coding skills so bear with me lol They seem somewhat the same, but there are quite a few files with parts of code removed or added, on both branches. But Barnabus is reliant on precompiled objects (obviously as it's a smaller, almost stripped down and made 'easy' release of the full tree) There are some comments in Barnabus code that isn't in the full tree + CPXXUPD code, and some are recorded more 'formally' (i.e private\ntos\init\init.c line 244 - 254 in both branches) One other thing is the 4400 tree is set to have 'complex's' edits definable where possible, which there are a lot.. One thing that really interests me, is Barnabus uses BIOSPack to pack: 2bl, remainder and kernel into a 'Working' rom (I use that word loosely). The 4400 tree uses rombld, which requires: preloaded, init table, bootloader, kernel and a rom decode file(I think).. this is a drastic difference to BIOSPack.. But the main issue with Rombld is it will not produce a full rom.. by default it will error on the 'preloader' being to big (9008 bytes not 1664 bytes).. To get around that, we can either build for XDK Systems.. Or as I discovered today: modify 'private\sdktools\rombld\rombld.cpp' Line 879 from (2 * 1024) to (21 * 512), to allow rombld to accept the 9kb preloader file.. (I haven't tested a bios rom built with this edit yet) I will post here anything else I discover!
  13. I've been using EvoX's telnet features to poke around with memory with games. Have been making some progress with Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller. Haven't made a trainer yet, but have ran into some concerns: 1. I would like to have better control over value much more like Cheat Engine would have. 2. Too many games close out access to the Debugger (notably Fight Night Round 3 and THPS4) 3. A live memory edit would be nice 4. Working with floats does NOT have to be this hard. 5. CXBX is just a nightmare to work with. Does anyone have any solution to these problems? Does anyone care? We can dump the entire memory using scripts. That's a start, I just haven't started on it. Actually Putty isn't working for this job. An In conclusion, can anyone provide EvoX / RemoteX source code so we can work on the telnet feature? Big thanks to: mandragor for EvoX Trainers Telnet v1.1
  14. As above really, After trying a Pound HDMI converter and finding it lacking I was looking for a OG box component lead to get the most out of these little gems. But the only ones I can see on Ebay are the £5 jobies which may or may not be shielded but prob not.... such as these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273917043356 So anyone know where I can get one? Ime fine with 3rd party stuff and dont mind paying upto £20-30 but I aint paying the asking prices of the originals lol
  15. Like the titel say... Source: https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/21/21265995/xbox-source-code-leak-original-console-windows-3-5 Have a nice day guys.
  16. Ive been working on an open source legal modchip project, here's a pic of my first one. Yes the soldering is rough (thats being nice) but its basically an Aladdin open source clone with XBlast

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