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  1. Hi! I've had this xbox since childhood, my dad bought it modded 20 years ago and he then upgraded the hdd and dvd drive. Now i have no idea on what modchip this is, i'd like to start fresh with this xbox, remove all the ancient media player stuff my dad put on it, and just play games. If someone knows what this is i'd really appreciate it. My idea was to remove this modchip and softmod it, upgrade the bios, and the hdd. The issue is that I dont know if it's possible to just remove this thing. Will it still boot? Even with the custom hdd? If possible i'd also consider keeping it, if i can upgrade bios and hdd. I'll follow the easiest route. Thank you in advance, all the help is appreciated! Othern images l: https://postimg.cc/gallery/GGqWxLR
  2. i have an original Xbox TSOP MODDED with xbox media center for gamers as well as an lcd temperature display installed any idea what temps i should be seeing while i game?
  3. Hey guys, Bought a second hand xbox that came hard modded with a sst 49lf020. Seems this xbox hasn't been used in a while as some of the apps are a couple of revisions behind. Should I wipe it clean and start again? Should I buy a different modchip? Attached an image below of the details from EvoX.
  4. I have been lurking for a while and I am not sure what mod chip to get. I have looked at the spreadsheet and while it shows features of each I am not sure which one I should try and find. I also have been reading where it is hard to find some of these and there are some who are getting clones from Ali express. goals for my build would be install make mhz hdmi mod minimum 2TB drive for games 128MB upgrade I saw on the make mhz site there is an open xenium mod chip that is back ordered till Octoberish. Is that something people on here would recommend or should I look at something else? Are certain mod chips better with certain revisions of Xbox? Are certain other mods(LCD, 1.4Ghz CPU upgrade) better with other mod chips?
  5. Hi there! I'm brand new to this board and looking to do my first mod chip install on a v1 that was given to me a few years ago. Back then I grabbed a DuoX2 but never got around to installing it. Well the time has come, and I've dug out the Xbox and found the mod chip... still sealed in the anti-static bag... but I'm wondering if I should stick with the Duo X2 GS. I'm wondering if it might be better to go with an Aladdin Advance XT Modchip PLUS2 or Open Xenium. Is there a benefit to either one over the Duo? Thanks!
  6. I bought a new OLED65B9PTA tv but am having issues connecting the XBOX to it. I can hear audio but don't see any video. The tv has a 3.5mm socket labeled 'AV1' and an adapter cable that goes from white/red/yellow TCA sockets to a 3.5mm plug and that's what I've connected to. When digging for info I found https://www.cnet.com/reviews/lg-oled65b9pua-review/ which says 'Unlike many of Samsung's sets, this one actually has an analog video input for legacy (non-HDMI) devices, although it no longer supports analog component video.' I'm not very clued up on exactly what the different outputs are. Is the xbox output analog component video and that's why I'm not seeing anything? I double checked plugging into my old TV and the XBox itself definitely still works. I'll appreciate any tips you might have. Cheers, Pete
  7. Heimdalls? Hexen 2017,2018,2019,2020 i dont really know of any others but i just got my blank vertabrim dvd -r dvds tested with a game and they work great
  8. i hard modded a 1.4. i have replaced the clock cap. i still have some stuff to finish up on it and i was wondering if there was any reason to replace the 3300uf and 1500uf caps on it? the xbox seems to work fine so, if i did change them, would there be any benefit?
  9. But I'm not gonna. Greetings everyone! I'm ttsgeb. I've been messing with xboxen for years, mostly on my own, and have finally decided to join this little community you've got here. I'm big on hardware mods, even running a (really bad) website for "Portablizing", or taking consoles and building them into handheld, or at least easily luggable, forms. My goal is to build the ultimate xbox portable. As such, I have a lot of research to do. It won't do to just put the xbox motherboard in a smaller case, I'm going to have to learn how to trim it down to a smaller size, something that can easily be held between the hands. I have a few ideas on how this might be possible, but I'm going to need to sacrifice a few xboxen for science before I can start really trimming things down. As such, I'm always in the market for dead motherboards (working ones, too). To further my plans to build a handheld, I'm working on a couple of big projects: Digital video output via DVI and a custom DC-DC PSU to directly replace the original one. I hope that these projects can be knocked out relatively soon so that I can move on to finishing my laptop projects and starting the adventure of figuring out how to literally take a dremel to the xbox to make it smaller. XboxPSU: XboxDVI: Xbox Laptop v1: http://forums.modretro.com/index.php?threads/gebbys-slim-xbox-laptop.9731/ (sorry all the pictures are broken, RIP old forum threads) Xbox Laptop v2: https://bitbuilt.net/forums/index.php?threads/gebs-xbox-slim-laptop.3309/
  10. Im picking up a mint mountain dew xbox with box and paperwork. It looks perfect no scratches. Im wondering what the opinions are on opening it up to change at least the clock cap. Possibly replacing all of them. I hate to remove the labels on the bottom to get to the screws. Is there a way to do it without damaging them? The console has never been opened and from what I understand rarely played.
  11. Hi, All Xbox Mod Experts Currently the SpiderChip on my Xbox v1.1 doesn't work very stable (likely because of its solderless type). Hence, I am planning to TSOP with X2 5035. However, my Xbox's DVD is faulty and unable to read any CD/DVD (including original DVD). So I think I have to flash TSOP from HDD. All the tutorial I managed to find is to use HeXEn DVD. However, I noticed that in HeXEn TSOP tutorial, if the Xbox has WinBond TSOP, it will load and flash via Gentoox, For non-WinBond, it will flash through normal EvoxDashboard. Thus, for my Xbox (v1.1) with faulty DVDROM, instead of HeXEn DVD, can I flash the TSOP directly through either Evox Dashboard or Gentoox? and if it is possible, which method would be more safe and successful ? Thanks in advance Peter

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