Results Below! I compare load times while controlling all variables of the startech ide2sat2 adapter vs the cheap adapter that most people recommend. There are significant differences in both price and performance.
ux bootup 2:28 - 3:09 = 41 seconds
halo 2 load 4:11 - 4:56 = 45 seconds
coinops dd3 5:42 - 6:25 = 43 seconds
ux bootup 8:00 - 8:20 = 20 seconds
halo2 load 10:05 - 10:25 = 20 seconds
coinops dd3 10:57 - 10:40 = 43 seconds
CoinOps was 43 seconds for both tests. This implies that the wait isn't due to throughput of the storage device but rather the zip extraction of the cpu.