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Hi everyone, I'm a long time Xbox user, and have enjoyed modding consoles since the early 2000's. I got started with an xecuter 2 chip, and things just snowballed from there. I've always been interested in running code on unintended hardware, and seeing what shenanigans i can get into in general. Currently my biggest project is resurrecting the aforementioned xecuter 2 box, as its whopping 75k hrs of run time has taken a toll (almost 9 years of runtime!!) I'm beginning my own journey of creating hardware mods for the xbox platform, primarily focused on enhancing cooling capabilities, and allowing my console to stream games from my home server rather than filling its own dedicated hdd again. Im also interested in making custom xbox motherboard pcb's, capable of running the xbox's os on new, and more powerful hardware. I'm exited to make new friends who share these interest, and like stated in the title, my username is usually SkippinMudkipz... But i guess midkipz is fine too lmfao
I think I got lucky. I was looking for an Xbox below 1.6 to do a RAM upgrade on. I found one with the X3 front switch panel for the same price as any old Xbox without it. Just got it and it turns on. The chip turned out to be the newer CE version. But it's installed with the Xapt3r adapter. In there is an image of the standard kit: The parts that came with this Xbox are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7. If I want to solder it I will need 9 also. That I can make myself from one of the scrap headers I have. But what is 8 and 10? My guess is that 10 is irrelevant. Is 8 for some drive activity led flashing? Is it available to buy somewhere?
Hello, I have had a1.4 xbox with a duox modchip (v1) and I'm a little confused about how I can flash it. I bought this xbox pre chipped 15+ years ago and I've never touched anything past keeping exox dashboard updated. I took it out of storage after a good few years, I would guess I've not used it bar the odd nostalgic game session (It's part of a setup in my living room with an OG xbox a 360 and a series x on shelves) in around 10 years so I have no idea what the latest best things are. Also the xbox came with an 80GB hard drive installed. I have purchased a xbox-HDMI adapter (powered by usb) because my TV has 3 hdmi ports and that's it. literally nothing else. This works. I have an issue with my dvd drive in that the band need replacing, can't get more for a another 2 weeks. In the meantime is it possible to flash the chip without a disc? some places seem to say I must have a dvd and others allude to not needing a disk. I've been researching this for hours and just decided to ask on here. it works ok but I didn't flash the bios so I have never done it before. I was looking at increasing the capacity further but may need a bios flash. in avox settings the BIOS is unknown. So in short, what is the "goto" Bios and dashboard nowadays? Is it possible to do without a DVD drive? Could I do it by stripping the xbox DVD drive putting a disk in and reassemble? If I desperately need to? Bit drastic but I can't do anything for a few weeks. A bit of a bonus question. I had a game of FIFA 2003 last night and it played strange. Like it was sped up. Best description is like an emulator running at 1.5-2x speed. Some games don't boot. I don't know where to start with testing it. If anyone has an idea I'd appreciate it. EDIT: So I've backed up using evox. FTPd it to my PC. I noticed a bios folder. It has 3 files "EvolutionX M7 Bios.nfo" "EvoxM7_ef.bin" and "EvoxM7.bin" I can guess which previous version was. Can I just replace them and flash latest bios from evox launcher then?
I bought a modded xbox a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. I got it out to test recently and it stopped working. Got a flashing red light on the power button and got this error message with a white number in the corner. Most of the time I tried it was a 12 but I got 7 a few times. Is there any way to fix this?
Hello people. managed to pick up a very very cheap xbox. only paid a 10 quid for it but its mint. only thing it switches on automatically when its plugged in. i did check for traces and 1 is gone but i will jump these when my wires come. clock cap his been desoldered but 3 power caps are gone which ive ordered and will change was going through some old stuff and managed to find my xecuter v26 CE. i had this for years and luckly i still kept it. replaced this with X3 so i kept the old 1 now my questions. will this work on my 1.4 will it need reflashing as i cant even remember what bios was on it (been so many years) i have all the wiring, fresh as in never been installed. does any 1 have a guide on how to install. i think 3 wires just need soldering. as my X3 was a solderless install and of course if i do need a reflash, can any 1 suggest a good bios CHEERS GUYS. MUCH APPRCIATED
i have hard modded a 1.4 and 1.6 xbox. xbmc4gamers is my login screen. when i ftp to 1.4 while xbmc4gamers is loaded, i get great speeds in the mb's. when i ftp to 1.6 with xbmc4gamers loaded, i don't even get speeds over 500 kip's. i am also having network issues in game. unleashX seems to ftp great though. can anyone tell me what is going on? i'm running the same evo8 bios on both systems btu different chips.
Hi I recently got steel battalion good as new for 300 buck and I'm stuck at mission 4 for now but my question is about the song we've got in the boom box is it possible to play my own song? BTW I'm looking for a live version I got the campaign only version of anyone have it I'm interested thank you.
Hello all! I’ve been a console modder for about 10-12 years. I’ve done hard mods on Xbox 360s and have practiced a bit of trace repair on other consoles like PS3 and other devices. I had a few questions about some issues I’m having with my side-of-the-road OGXbox. I kept finding this website on my Google searching and figured this is the place to be!
Can i make component cables for the 360 out of them? Or will only 360 component cables work?
Hello all. It's been a long time since I visited the old Xbox. I've modded quite a few back in the day and recently acquired a couple a few days ago in a box along with about 5 PS2s. I kinda got a little excited being as I haven't touched either one of them for several years. I had read about soft modding and wanted to try it since it didn't require any hardware or tools as I had gotten rid of everything I had. Well once I fired up the boxes I found both of them had hdd and dvd issues. I opened them up and, ..ugh. Both of them were 1.6b. Anyway, I jumped online and ordered a couple of Aladdin XT chips. It's slowed me down but has given me the time to look the forums over. I'm getting the itch back! I don't think the wife is going to like this all over again. Anyway I just wanted to say hi to everyone.
just got one from goodwill it powers on as soon as its plugged it. i opened up and removed clock cap but still same thing. guess i gotta look for some bad traces now. wish me luck. trying to get my 6 and 8yr kids interested in it.
Howdy all! So first tech Q. As some of you may know I recently have got a XBOX sent to me from a friend so I have been purchasing the extras controllers, cables etc. Anyways I brought a bundle of controllers that came with a xbox FOC! Now it was listed as working which it is but the DVD drive wont read disc's and it rattles! The seller packaged i very poorly so I suspect it was damaged in transit. Now other than that and the leaking clock cap (which I have pulled off and cleaned up) it seems to be fine, and looks like it has a mod chip installed? So what I am wondering is do I have any options with this thing? I know I could replace the drive but I was wondering if there was a way I could use my other TSOP'd box to sort of build a HDD for it and put it in this one or some other way of transfering stuff to the HDD? It seems to have a stock dashboard on it and I obv cant use a hexen disc. Any thoughts appreciated as it seems a shame to side line it for the sakes of a dvd drive. Cheers.
i bought some broken xbox's. one of them says it freezes after playing for a while. i booted it up and the date was 04/13/44. i changed the date and unplugged it for a while. i then plugged it back in and it had the 04/13/44 again. i have never heard of that being the xbox's default date and i'm guessing it has something to do with the problems that it is having. what the heck would cause one to act like that? it's a version 1.6.
Hi i recently softmodded an xbox of mine and got the old xecuter2 modship my dad did a while ago. I just want to know what's the big difference and what my hardmod could do that my softmod couldn't Thanks for the answer
Just received my 2nd X3 Control Panel in the post today Plugged it in and tested all looking good except for the dodgy bottom line of text on the LCD.... Anyone have any ideas?
Evening all I’m rather late to the party 15years at a wild guess! A simple loft clear out and low and behold my 1.1 from when I was a child came out of its box! No leakage from the clock capacitor which I couldn’t believe!! I have just completed a clock capacitor removal and Tsop all successful just thought I’d pop in and say hi!
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in repair, but since it happened during a TSOP mod I though I'd try here first. Picked up a 1.4 version at a Salvation Army today, green model worked great but filthy inside. Cleaned it up, removed clock capacitor and did the two TSOP points. Reassembled and before I even load into Hexen my video signal has lines going across the screen. After messing around I find that the problem is only with component output (hd output) and standard def av works fine. Thing is, component worked fine before I disassembled so I'm convinced the problem must have been caused by something I did - but all I did was pull the clock cap and do the 2 tsop points... Tried another component cable.. same result. Tried another tv, got a glitched looking display or 'mode not supported'. I'm convinced it's now outputting some garbled attempt at an hd signal that neither of my tvs can process correctly. Have 2 other xboxes and both display hd perfect with the same cables and tvs. I guess I can just sell it with some standard cables but losing the hd kinda kills the awesomeness so I'd really like to fix this if possible. This is like the second weird obscure xbox mystery for me in like a week, sheesh:)
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- hd video issues
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So I just scored a xenium chip, which came free with a broken Xbox. the seller just said it was broken, didn't even know the chip was in it. Its a 1.1/1.2 and the board looks like new. Turns out the old owner has never flashed the chip and was running the stock dash, but had some how managed to switch the chip switch so it was half on half off, so it wouldn't boot. well I fixed that and slapped a new drive in to take advantage of the set up tools. so now I have two dilemmas. 1. what's the best bios to drop on this chip, it's currently in the 1.1/1.2 board. 2. Should I just take it out and put it in one of my 1.6's which are near useless without being chipped. Because it's a waste in a board that can be so easily Tsop'd That said it has one of the teamxodus solder less LPC pads. Can you remove them ?. any ideas or feedback from you guys ?
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