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  1. Hey everyone, I experienced some issues last night attempting to download content through XBMC4Gamers v1.3.001. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. I have a 1.4 system that was originally softmodded with Rocky5's tool and XBMC4Gamers. I used the stock HDD. Under this configuration, I never experienced any downloading or functionality issues. Last night, I hardmodded the system and that's when the issues began. My downloads would randomly freeze. Sometimes at 2% complete, sometimes at 34%, sometimes at 96%. I'm able to select the Cancel option, but it doesn't seem to work (the words "Canceling" appear, but nothing happens after). I'm able to get out of this by clicking L-Stick to reload the skin, using IGR or simply rebooting the system manually. It only occurred once when trying to update the URLDownloader (every other attempt was successful), but it kept happening every time I tried to download the Artwork Installer. I thought since that is a rather large download and would take some time, I would try something else. So I tried downloading the latest stable build (~40 MB) and even that froze on one or two attempts, though, it did eventually complete. I attempted to resolve this issue by clearing/formatting the cache (ironically, using the downloadable tool), deleting and recreating my user profile, and even FTPing over a fresh copy of XBMC4Gamers. None of these seemed to have any effect. I believe I followed all of the proper steps (but please let me know if I didn't). Backup softmodded stock HDD data to PC Install Aladdin XT-4032 modchip Use HeXEn 2020 disc to flash a new BIOS: EvoX M8+ (F and G) 256K Replace stock HDD with 2TB SATA HDD Use HeXEn 2020 disc to setup new NTSC Xbox Use Xbpartitioner 1.3 to partition the F and G drives to 927GB (or whatever the number was) each with 64K cluster Verify everything works so bar by booting into Evo dashboard FTP the latest XBMC4Gamers stable build to C:\XBMC4Gamers Use XBE shortcut trick to make XBMC4Gamers my default dashboard Boot into XBMC4Gamers and create my user profile Verify everything works by FTPing a game to F:\Games and starting it None of my other devices are experiencing network issues so I don't think it's related to my network or Internet connection. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any more information I can provide that might be useful (logs)? Thanks, Patrick
  2. Hello, I have noticed that my XBMC4GAMERS version hasnt updated for a while. I thought not much of it. Then i decided to try and download some homebrews and DLCs for some games i have. Whenever i chose something (mods,updates,emulators) it just shows 3 points moving, as if it were connecting or something, but nothing happens. I tried updating my Downloader, samething, no download or progress. I remember this used to work a few months ago. Is the service still up or is there something wrong with my xbox? My xbmc4gamers version is 1.2.122 I wish i could give you the version of my downloader but seems it cant be display. It reads "URLDownloader Version:" As if the numbers didnt fit in the screen even after changing the display settings. Thank you for any answer and to Rocky5, i know you read this all the time but thank you for creating this and keeping our consoles alive.
  3. trying to download a copy of hexen, says I need to make 3 posts first? please advise.
  4. Was wondering if anyone knows of a site as trustworthy and with good selection now that the isozone is down?

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