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About Me

  1. Hello guys! Let me begin by articulating my end goal: I would like to transfer my ripped Xbox games to my HTPC. I'm hoping I can use an Xbox emulator rather than the console. I prefer my PC controller and the HDMI connection on my HTPC. Since the day I got it modded, I could never get the XBpx to connect to the internet. I can't connect using the Unleash X dashboard or the regular Xbox dashboard. A few days ago, I bought the "usb to XBox cable" to see if I could transfer the files directly to a usb stick, but I couldn't figure out a way to do that either.. I've watched videos and read posts of how to transfer via FTP, but I can't even get an IP address assigned to the console. I'm convinced that the ethernet port is dead. However, 1) the light on the ethernet port is on (in the back of the console) and 2) the normal Xbox dashboard recognizes that a cord is connected - it just won't receive an IP address. If you guys could help me figure out what I'm doing wrong or any alternate method of transferring my games to my HTPC, I would be forever grateful. I am connected to a "network extender" that connects my home theater equipment to the internet. Here are some pics of my settings and error messages:
  2. Hi everyone, I recently softmodded an xbox 1.0 using OGXBox Cerbios BFM USB Softmod Installer v2.4.1 Build 04 ENDGAME X4G. Everything works perfectly well, my eeprom is in ntsc and I use the latest rev of xmbc4gamers. But I have an issue on DOA 2 Ultimate, and it's the only game that doesn't work on my console. I tried everything, the ntsc and pal versions, I also downloaded an hdd ready version and also dumped my own personal pal version...and the result is always the same, I have a freeze at launch with a scrambled screen. I tried to launch doa2.xbe directly but the result is identical and I have the same freeze using another dashboard too. Does anyone have any ideas on the origin of my problem? because for my part I no longer have a solution I'm so happy to have joined your community, best regards guys
  3. I see that the laser is not lighting up and i lt does not read games but i cannot be sure because it is on a Samsung sdg-605f which is known to have problematic 33 and 88 ohm resistors. In my case i don't think they cause the issue but i don't really know. Can anyone explain any other possible ways to troubleshoot that?
  4. Hey everyone, I got an Xbox last week (Softmodded, seller did not provide information about how he softmodded it). The HDD is dying. I can read from it but can't write to it, therefore, I can't back up the EEPROM, but I got the HDD key. I was thinking of swapping the HDD but wanted to know if this is possible just with the HDD key using FATXplorer and using FTP to just transfer all the information from the old HDD to the new HDD. The seller is unresponsive, so I can't contact him.
  5. I have an unmodded japanese xbox (rev 1.0) with a dead HDD. I also have a working HDD from a USA xbox (rev 1.6) that has a softmod on it. If I extract the eeprom from the xbox with the dead HDD, can I use fatxplorer 3 to unlock the working softmodded HDD, then relock it with the extracted HDD password from the eeprom? Or would the xbox not read the new HDD because the model and serial numbers don't match the original eeprom? I've found one tutorial on how to setup the new HDD with the extracted eeprom but that tutorial uses a spare xbox and will format/clear the new HDD, which I do not want since it's already formatted correctly and has a lot of games on it. Any help would be appreciated
  6. I guess I deleted my copy of it, who knows. Does anyone in the forum have it and able to update the download links?
  7. Got a dead XBOX 1.6 for cheap, it was super clean but had been previously opened so I was a little wary of what I'd find inside. Power supply fuse was missing and the attached pic is the soldering butcher job i found. I'm not familiar with 1.6 PSUs, and couldn't find any quality pics of one online to see what the layout is supposed to be, so i'm wondering if there is any saving this? Don't know what continuity (if any) is supposed to exist between the 3 points there. The bottom round hole is where the fuse is supposed to attach. Worried that the damage/solder spill shorted or created unwanted continuity but can't tell since I don't know how it was originally. The brown lines are what appears to be scratches as if someone tried to scratch away solder to keep the points separated? I dunno. If it is fixable, was wondering what could have caused the fuse to blow that necessitated the repair attempt, as in are there any usual suspects I should look/test for on the Power supply? The rest of the Power supply looks fine. The mobo had some bad caps so i went ahead and replaced the 5 usual ones there but other than that no visible defects on either the mobo or power supply. Any help or thoughts on power supply layout and downstream test/checks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Edited by moderator: Originally posted in similar thread "Xbox 1.1 dead no power". Moved @nerdbombing's post to a new topic thread. I'm having a similar issue with a 1.6 I took the box completely apart to put it into another shell. The box had worked before, no issues, fully softmodded with an upgraded HDD. I wast just trying to put it into a nicer shell as the one it was in had a cracked corner. After putting it into the new shell, nothing turns on. I thought it may have been the front switch or PSU but I replaced both with known good ones. It simply doesn't react to the power buttons, nothing comes on, no lights, and my visual inspection didn't find anything. What's a good place to start diagnosis from here? (Ebay#2)
  9. i was using my xbox as i do every day then out of the blue it turned off now the only sign of life is when i press the on button and keep; my finger on it i get the green light on on my controller. any ideas please.
  10. My in January repaired 1.4 Xbox console is dead today, it didn't turn on Both the power and eject button does nothing. It played fine a week ago. I opened it up, disconnected the PSU from the mainboard and used a multimeter to check the voltage between the grey pin and ground according to the diagram below (Delta PSU). It only jumps to 0,05-0,1v when it's connected to a power outlet. It gives no 3,3v. Does it mean the PSU is dead and not easily fixable?
  11. Hi everyone! I come to you with the following problem. I have an XBOX 1.1 in which no controller port works. The console is unmodified and has not been opened before. I took it apart to replace the clock capacitor. Before the replacement, the ports did not work either. There is a picture and sound. XBOX asks to set the time but it is impossible. I have two controllers. One original and one non-original. The non-original one I tested on a PC and it worked there, the other one I haven't tested yet. The other controllers I do not have. I checked the motherboard looking for broken paths, but I did not find such, however, I will check again. There is corrosion around the clock capacitor. Especially at the components R7G1, R7G2, R7G3 and Q7G1. It seems to me that the corrosion is only superficial, but I would prefer to replace these components. I found information that R7G2 has a value of 1.1 kOhm (SMD code 112) unfortunately I could not find anything about R7G1 and R7G3. Q7G1 is npn transistor - MMBT3904LT1. The question is whether these components are related to non-functioning controllers //edit I forgot to write, there is a voltage of 4.95V on the power pins, in the controller ports
  12. Does the s-type controller have a replaceable fuse. I bought on for parts but it seems in better condition that the one I was planning to repair. I primarily bought it for the cord so I could replace the cord on my original that lost a fight with my wife's vacuum cleaner. The cord continuity is good and the breakaway test good on my other controllers. I was hoping there was a fuse that may save it's life. I looked at the pcb under a magnifying glass and see no cold solder joints, but I will reflow them any ways if the controller can be salvaged. If it is dead I will salvage the cord as originally planned. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  13. I bought my first Xbox classic with modchip (aladdin xt plus2) and the problem is that the hard disk is dead and I listened to it I have to have eeprom but I do not have because the hard disk is dead but I also listened that I can change the hard disk but I have to do haxen board and reinstall the system? this is? ps (I'm sorry but I can't speak English, this is what Google translator says)
  14. Hi everyone, new to the forum but looks like it's the right place for me to visit. I have an Xbox 1.6b (2005, Australian 240V model). Tonight it wouldn't fire up at all, completely dead and unresponsive to the power button. I opened it up and there was no obvious damage on the mobo. All i could measure on the 20 pin molex from the psu were some very low voltage (0.6V) on the 5V pins. 12V was reading 0. Ac input fuses showed good continuity. The only thing that looks suspect on the psu is the component in R10. I measured across the pins for R10 and its reading open circuit. I reflowed the solder on the AC input pins, no change. The xbox has been moldded since purchase but has been working perfectly until tonight. Nothing has been changed in the last 15 years. Still in original case. The original power cable seems to be intermittent now but other cables tried and no change. Any suggestions to help diagnose would be appreciated as I couldn't t find any replacement psu online anymore. OG psu is Tuscany rev 1.0. Tyia, tssfka
  15. @miggawhatStarted a thread back in 2019, with issues about ethernet port not working right. I have an ethernet problem as well, but different. This is new to me, never had any network problems of this type before. I bought an ebay "as-is" untested box, luckily it booted up, cd worked, and after 20 years of life, the clock capacitor was in "like new" shape (no leakage or anything, but of course, I still removed it). It had never been opened before, and oddly there was a HDD screw floating around the HDD tray that had come loose, just as an anecdote. Anyway, I took the G & CPUs's heat-sinks out to re-thermal compound them. I plan on making this my first TSOP, getting my feet wetter, so to speak. After softmodding in my normal fashion, I attempted to FTP over the C, eeprom, and MS backups to my master backup storage drive. Unfortunately, I wasn't getting an IP showing up in the dash, even and after confirming I had all the network settings correct: FTP enabled Set to static port 21 4 users allowed User and pw both : xbox Known good x over cable, and double checked on another box (as I describe below) I was able to copy the C and eeprom's to USB/mem card and transfer to a working 1.6 softmod. I then FTP'd, from the working 1.6, the contents of the memory card. So I can technically upgrade the HDD externally, and add the games and emulators I want. However, I'm more into system link stuff, and a non functioning ethernet port/network stuff isn't desirable. On the rear of the box, I get NO lights whatsoever. I gave it a little wiggle and jiggle, but nothing would light up and no IP address would show up on the dash. I checked and cleaned the port with swabs/qtips and iso, the swabs came out basically clean. All the pins/tabs looked to have good contact surfaces, none bent or missing, etc. I'm considering getting a solder pump finally, and trying to swap out the physical port for another one, but swapping ports depends on what advice you fine folks might provide, which I thank you for greatly!! Anyone else have an issue like this? V1.0, Unleash X (Ebay #3)
  16. Hi, I have a problem with starting XBOX. When I press power, nothing happens, only a hissing sound and a "knock" emanating from the console, as if from the power supply, (something like the console board wanted to turn on but could not). No picture and no errors led on the console. Please advise what can cause this, I will add that the 1.4 board is in very good condition, there are no loose capacitors, the paths are intact and in very good condition. The power supply is checked and working. I changed the console TSOP, ver ind-bios 5003 and it worked for 2 weeks without any problems. Please help.
  17. Hi all, I was putting the Xbox Softmod disc into the drive of my Xbox and then I hit the close button before I noticed it wasn't seated properly in the drive tray. Several unpleasant sounds later I hate to take apart the DVD drive to get the disc out. Now, the drive is recognized by the Xbox but when I insert a disc and close the drawer the motor stutter spins, then nothing and it shows as 'busy' to the xbox. How up Schitz Creek am I? Russellb
  18. Hi all, I have a 1.1 motherboard that is dead, I know it's not the psu as I have another 1.1 and it works in that console. Basically I was trying to add LEDs to my case which needs a 12v source. I used a Y splitter on the molex connect for the HDD, it worked for a few mins then the console died and now won't power on? I have replaced the 5 caps near the psu connector aswell. Thanks
  19. So I got a soft modded console with Maxtor 40GB IDE drive, listed as working. Got it, plugged it in, browsed around for maybe 5 mins and then it just crashed. The board is now dead and the HDD is locked. Being locked I know my options are already limited. I basically just want to format it completely and rebuild it for use on another machine. Here’s where I run into the major issue. I first tried my OpenXenium Xbox to try and unlock the drive. No luck it won’t let format or any of the options available. I just get an error saying it couldn’t complete it yada yada yada. I was however able to sign into the drive with FTP and it’s completely empty. Hexen won’t boot since I can only get as far an error 9 with a locked drive. PC does not recognize the drive at all when plugged in via IDE to USB adapter. FYI, It does have a power source running. Where can I go from here? I hate to throw away a 40GB drive if it’s salvageable. If it’s dead, then so be it.
  20. Hi guys, I've got tons of Xbox originals over last 2 years and i always see the same problem with Samsung drives - they are not reading at all. Tweaking pot doesn't help. Laser beam is there, it is not weak. Lens is not dirty, tried to clean all of them. My guess was maybe these are capacitors on the drive board? The issues is i can't desolder them without tearing of the pads. Stupid, i know but really they are so fragile there or whatever is he reason. Plus I'm not sure on some of them in terms of specs. So, what do you think? 1. Can it be capacitors? something else? 2. If it is probably capacitors, anyone has all the ratings? Thanks!
  21. I have an OG Xbox that no longer works, I've tried a different power supply and replaced some capacitors that were bad no luck, my friend gave me a working Xbox same model. Is it possible to swap the drive from my dead one to the "new" one and retain all the data? Also if I can't do that would it be possible to transfer the save data and games to the new system?
  22. Hi, I have a 1.6 crystal, I'm the first to open it up, it has no life when the buttons are pressed, so far I have, Tested the power supply, and the power when the power button is pressed and held. I'm getting all the correct voltage when standby and when the power button is held, it tells me the power supply is doing its thing. The only one that is slightly out is the 12 line at stand by it shows about 0.34, when plugged on to the board but 0 when removed and just the plug probed. It had the 5 capacitors all leaking and bulging around the power socket, so I incorrectly thought that would be the problem and changed those for some panasonic units. Again this didn't sort the problem. I checked the transistor at Q7C2 and was getting 3.36 volts on the collector, but to prove a point I removed it from the circuit and put it on the tester independently it showed as a working pnp transistor. (I have ordered some new ones as it off the board so might as well replace it.) I have read that the clock cap can be replaced with a capacitor but now cant find the correct value, as a fault clock cap can prevent power up?? plus it looks like i may have damaged this one with the heat gun, could just be the outer paint coating scorcher on closer examination though, been unplugged a while and still showing 1.66 volts. The traces from the power/eject socket are good going up to the xyololops chip. cant see any corrosion on the underside of the board either. so that's where I am with it at the moment any suggestions on what to test next. I have a 1.4 board and ps that i can fit into this lovely case but would like to try and fix this one first. The board dosen't look dead flush where the cpu sit on it slight warpage of the board with the weight of the heat sink pushing down, this may be normal though. Thanks Ted
  23. Last year I put together my personally ideal XBox. Decent AV cables, hard-mod, big HDD, quiet fans... all the fun stuff that increased the consoles capabilities and improves the experience. And until last week that XBox was running perfectly fine. However, the console is now completely dead. The PSU is fine, and I tried changing several of the capacitors on the motherboard, but there is simply no life at all. The console just doesn't react at all when the power button (or eject) is pressed. There's not even a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' kind of signal that the console is even receiving power. But, like I said the PSU is fine, that was the first thing I tried. And after several hours of replacing capacitors, trying to find the one that may be stopping the power from reaching the console... I gave up and held a respectful funeral for my short-lived friend. Close friends and family attended. Clearly I'm just trying to add some humour there. But when I did finally run out of components to replace I procured a replacement console to start the project again. That console came, and works fine. However, I cannot use the 2TB HDD I had installed in the previous console. I can't remember when or exactly why I did... but I locked the HDD to the, now dead, console. As such no matter what I connect the HDD to, because of the 'lock' the XBox imposed on the drive; I can't do anything with it. The replacement console can't unlock it, or format it. My PC sees the drive and it's capacity, but is unable to do anything with it. I've tried Windows and Linux, as I though the 'brutish' nature of the latter's terminal commands could break the 'locked' state. But, even Linux doesn't work. Replacing the drive isn't all that much, money-wise. However, it would be a shame if this perfectly functional HDD is now reduced to nothing more than an overengineered door-stop. Although not a massive capacity by modern standards; 2TB could still be useful for many things, if there is some way I can 'unlock' it. As I mentioned above the console it was 'locked' with is completely dead. I cannot find any reason why, but there isn't even the slightest of a glimmer of life at all. I don't know what could cause such a state, and it's confusing that it was working fine a few days before. And just for those who go straight for this suggestion... I already took out the clock capacitor. I've done that on every XBox I've ever had in my possession. It's usually the first thing I do upon opening them up. And just to be clear; I am careful when removing them. I don't force them; I do use a soldering iron and take them out with a delicate touch. Anyway... I have just ordered a replacement 2TB HDD. But, if there's a secret way of reenabling the use of the one I have now; I'm sure I could find a productive use for it. However, after trying a few 'suggestions' already; I am not going to hold my breath. That said; I am open to suggestions. I also want to clarify that the PC motherboards I have are unsuitable for running XboxHDM. The only PC motherboard I have with IDE can't boot from USB, and I don't have an IDE optical drive. And the other (which can boot from USB) doesn't have any IDE connections at all. If memory serves me; XboxHDM need to access the HDD via IDE, even when connecting a SATA HDD (via an IDE-to-SATA adapter). So, unless XboxHDM has changed since I last tried to run it; that particular software won't function properly on the hardware I currently have. Also, because the cost of replacing the HDD is so low, I'm hoping to avoid spending too much, if any money on rescuing this 'locked' HDD. I am just traying to be a little eco-friendly in repurposing it if possible.
  24. Yanimo

    dead Xbox?

    so got my uncle's xbox he said it does'nt work so I opened it up cleaned it then tried to turn it on. at first it booted og xbox boot animation with evox then shuts down, after which it tries to start up again maybe around 3x but at the end the Led would blink like crazy the powers off completely so how can I fix this.
  25. Yanimo

    Noob Hdd Dead

    Hey guys, I have an old Xbox I'm a noob and don't even know where to start I just want to replace my Hard Drive and have games on said Hard Drive but I do not know how. Can someone please help. I just want to play Halo with friends.

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