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About Me

  1. Hi there everyone so anyways I just upgraded my Xbox HDD from 8GB to 1TB last year. But here is the thing, what should I do about it now? Should i hook it up and play with it in the new year? + Should I get a xarcade tank stick for my original Xbox? (Just wondering)
  2. Hey guys, I recently turned on my OG Xbox after MANY years in storage (mostly temperature controlled storage) and I had no idea about the issues about the capacitors and so on. The DVD Drive and HDD seems to still be working fine with no issues. All of my old data was still there and I wanted to save the data to a memory card. I have learned that it is possible to save the data to a USB as well, but I think it might require a Softmod or something. The Fan still blows heat normally so it appears to be cooling the unit properly. Sadly I can't get the data from the drive at the moment. I tried to show plenty of pictures below as well. I have a few questions and concerns. Shortly after plugging in the unit I heard: -- 2 pops, but the console turned on and ran fine for a while (XB Dashboard and within a game). -- After a while my video went fuzzy\scrambled, reset and it started to FRAG during the game. (2 resets and Red\Green blinking) with no video). -- No smoke\smell or anything and I was able to open the tray to remove my disk. -- Same results after hard reset (FRAG). I did some research and learned more about the capacitor issue. I didn’t know any of this stuff before. I saw 2 busted capacitors from what I can see (those 2 pops). -- The Clock capacitor, which I eventually removed + cleaned the area (top and bottom) -- The PSU appears to have one leaking capacitor. Clock Capacitor: Battery Cap Leak - https://i.postimg.cc/jdfhZk4D/Fresh-leak.jpg Acid Corrosion - https://i.postimg.cc/BnGBycmM/Corroding-leak.jpg Battery Leak Cleaned - https://i.postimg.cc/9QtYjRSV/Cleaned.jpg Bottom of board Cleaned - https://i.postimg.cc/sfqcPR7F/Bottom-Cleaning.jpg Not knowing any better I let the clock “acid” sit there for a few days before cleaning because I was thinking about sending it in for repairs or something, but after reading more I decided to open it up and remove the Clock cap. It was pretty much corroded at this point and the leaked acid started to look horrible on my board. I cleaned it with 91% alcohol + Q-tips. For the corrosion I also scrapped some of the left over residue and kept wiping the entire area gently. The spill traveled further than I originally though. I checked the bottom of the board and saw a light cloudy color, but nothing too serious so I cleaned it up as well. Since the board was opened I decided to clean\wipe down the entire board from top and bottom. The board was in great condition, not too dirty\dusty, but since I had it opened….why not right? Power Supply Unit: PSU Cap Leak A - https://i.postimg.cc/Fs0jjkhc/PSU-Capacitor-lea-A.jpg PSU Cap Leak B - https://i.postimg.cc/447vxFMW/PSU-Capacitor-leak-B.jpg PSU Cap Leak C - https://i.postimg.cc/W1ngyRF1/PSU-Capacitor-leak-C.jpg PSU Cap Leak D - https://i.postimg.cc/8CzMQyMB/PSU-Capacitor-leak-D.jpg PSU Cap Leak E - https://i.postimg.cc/j27y3LNp/PSU-Capacitor-leak-E.jpg PSU Bottom A - https://i.postimg.cc/PfgWpQnT/PSU-Bottom-A.jpg PSU Bottom B - https://i.postimg.cc/P5h1Kfq7/PSU-Bottom-B.jpg Based on my research I have an Xbox v1.3 revision. The PSU capacitor leak looks fine on the bottom of the PSU and it appears that I have one of the “reinforced” PSUs that should not spark or cause a potential fire due the power connector\solder joint issue (constant insertion and removal of the power cable from what I’ve learned so far). Also, I did NOT wipe the PSU clean\wipe down top and bottom and honestly I didn’t want to touch it. Can someone tell me how long it takes for the PSU to drain and becomes much safer to handle? I know that PSUs (not just OG Xbox’s) can hold a charge for a very long time after being unplugged. I never touched it while cleaning the Clock capacitor leak. I let it (PSU) sit for roughly 10 days so I suppose it was safe to handle. I wasn't going to touch it, but I wanted to check the bottom of the PSU to see if there was any damage. I pretty much pulled it out and re-installed it by using the cabling and not even touching the damn thing. I have a Foxlink PSU, but I wanted to replace it with another one of the three brands. I believe they are interchangeable from what I’ve read. I noticed that the cable “color” was a bit different on the Delta, but the pinouts are the same I believe. I have the OG Xbox surge protector on the way just to be safe. Before investing into another PSU I was wondering what could be the harm in plugging in my current Foxlink with the leaking capacitor that already popped just to check and “see” if the console boots with no errors. If it boots to the Dashboard then I could turn it off and place the order for a replacement unit. Any potential issues with trying this before spending money on a PSU? Also I'd like to know an estimated amount of time that the PSU can hold a charge.
  3. Hi all , just wanted to find out by those in the know if these ram modules are compatible for the 128 mb upgrade . I’ve installed all four , failed on all four . Touched up all joints with soldering iron , got the three reboots and Xbox wouldn’t power on , reflowed with hot air station and Xbox goes back to booting as if there’s no extra ram attached . I then replaced one of the ram modules to see if blast would detect it and still nothing . I have no issues accessing Xbox dash or Cerbios flashed Aladdin booting XBMC4Gamers .
  4. Soon I'm gonna try and repair the traces on my Xbox. I've done my fair share of soldering in the past, and I don't think it's gonna be too hard. The only question I have is about what I have to solder. It seems I need to solder 4 points, but do I really? The power button still sorta works, and the Red LED light still works as well. Could someone give me a nice tutorial? Thanks! EDIT: Hold up, I was just watching this Xbox Repair video, and they turned it on showing the power board. But when it turned on, two of the LED Lights showed up. and they were both Green. I though that one was red and one was green! So if that's the case, why the hell would the red work but not the green!?
  5. So I’m looking into adding a mod chip to my system as well as HDMI. I’ve come across this one but most of the reviews are a bit old(like a year or so). A lot of them seem to think that future updates would make this chip worth the money but I wanted to see if any of that ever actually came about. The features on their website seem to not have been updated in awhile so I have reservations. Big questions I have are what are the features it unlocks and has anyone done the mod who can speak to it. It seems pretty straight forward but I wanted to hear from some users. Also have they updated it to work with wireless controllers?
  6. My Xbox's power button is really weird. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it just doesn't. Not only that, but the green LED Light on it does not work (The Red does however). At first, I assumed it was the traces, but if the Red Light works, then it has to be the power board, right?
  7. i have an og xbox with a temperature lcd display similar to the one in the pictures below. can someone tell me what temps i should be seeing while gaming as well as while sitting idle at the XBMC dash my xbox is tsop and before i take it apart to replace the paste i wanna check my temps to see if a paste replace is even necessary
  8. Hi I did mod one of my 1.0s with the stellar hhdplus and the stm works so far sadly "EvoX Titan 128MB HDPlus UDMA4 YD" does only really work if I press eject Cerbios has no problem with booting up, but only shows picture when the hdd has been read. Gruß Edit: I use a cheap U4 adapter.
  9. I just picked up a 1.6 Xbox and it does not turn on. Whenever I hit the power button there is 3.3V, 5V and 12V all present for about 1 second then nothing. All standby voltages are good too. Idk whats wrong.
  10. I prepped a version 1.2 today for TSOP flashing. Everything went well, I flashed Evox M8 BIOS to it and set up the disk with the latest Hexen disk. A little later, I decided to flash Cerbios 2.3.1 to it and I chose UDMA4. This is a stock hard drive, so when I would boot up, it would give me an error 13 code....then boot me into Cerbios Safe Mode. No problem, the TSOP wasn't ruined or anything, so I was able to re-flash it, this time with UDMA2. The things you learn.... I'm just going to put this console on the shelf for now until I'm ready to do the rest of my mods. I plan on using UDMA5 with a cheap IDE-to-SATA adapter that I've used successfully on three other TSOP'ed machines.
  11. Thief (USA) works both on Xemu and my Xbox. Thief (Europe) works only on Xemu, freezes at loading first level on my Xbox. What is the issue, i have Xbox PAL 1.6 with Evox shouldnt thief (europe) also work on my Xbox?
  12. Hello everyone, I am beginner for Xbox system, because my XBOX can no longer use DVD, so only can use hot-swapping method to do softmod. So, I will buy some transfer parts, like IDE to USB connector. By the way. Could you please teach me the procedure for this method? (hot swapping) Thanks a lot!
  13. I was toying with a softmodded xbox for the past 2 weeks or so. Started with UnleashX, to XBMC, then to XBMC4Gamers exploring the features of each. Is there a dashboard with the features of XBMC4Gamers that retains the media function? I want to be able to FTP movies to the xbox and view them the same way XBMC4Gamers displays your xbox games.
  14. Q1 after you finshed your Tsop you must put Hexen disc to boot your xbox, How if my BIOS was noDVD? And how noDVD BIOS works? Q2, i flashed yesDVD and i want to reFlashed to noDVD without make any crouppted thing or any problems
  15. some game saves are tied to the individual xbox's hdd key. so wouldn't nulling the key mess up some game saves?
  16. Hi everyone I just have bought an Xbox with this modchip but I´m a little bit confused about what can I do with this modchip.Is there any modified dashboard or I have to install it myself?what are the functionalities of X-Changer? a little bit of help would be appreciate it
  17. I haven't really been able to find a ton of info on the communicator, I am curious about it though. It would be nice to have a way to hook up the Xbox to a modern gaming headset, through a combination of Toslink and an AUX jack maybe, ideally without having it plugged into the controller you're using. I'm assuming this is an analog/digital converter and that a simple AUX to USB adapter couldn't replace this thing.
  18. I gave my friend a 1.4 crystal case I got in a bundle of Xboxes online, I forgot to tell him about needing to remove the metal shielding from a pin. Because of that, it would not boot or show any signs of power even when he put the board back in the old case. This case was completely empty so he did use the 1.6 power supply which is also important about not mixing them. There's this one particular transistor on the standby rail on the 1.6 motherboards that can fail. I have swapped this and it is working again
  19. Hello All, I'm about to get my mod on with one of my old 1.6 Xboxs. I've done a little bit of this, but I'm very intimidated by the "micro soldering" needed for the video ribbon cable. Does anyone out there know what type of soldering hardware I'll need to make that an easier step to accomplish? Tman
  20. Hello to everyone i've been trying to find a solution for hours reading posts but i don't find my specific case: Xbox: 1.4 Winbond version i opened my Xbox and found out it had this aladdin version i thought it was softmodded; i wanted to TSOP to increase the HD (No locking on the drive i have) so i thought oh, i could just update the Bios then to support HD creation then i tried with Hexen 2019 installing BIOS Evo m8 plus F; but it says: no write access allowed, i tried pressing the power button 2 seconds while booting up( to enable flash write) nothing happened, same error; Anyone knows the best way to update the bios i just want to change the hard drive into a larger one (<1tb) but the drive i have has no locking features I already also softmodded this xbox ( i didn't know it had a modchip)
  21. I was looking at the typical Aladdin XT 2 Plus modchips that are still available/being produced for the Xbox a while ago, and I thought to myself that the wiring to permanently ground the BT pad seemed a little inelegant. I took a quick look at the traces on the PCB and lo and behold, they trace back to adjacent pins on the Lattice CPLD chip! Going forward should I ever need to install another XT 2 Plus, I'll forego the wire and just bridge those two pins.
  22. What is the average temperature of a modded Xbox (at boot and after playing for 1 hour, just an example ) ? Does the temperature get higher if games are played from HD or discs ? What to do if it's too high / how to change the fan settings to reduce the temperature (in Slayers 1.7 or other dashboards like XMBC or Unleash, etc...) ? Is there any other setting to check in order to keep the temperature stable or lowest as possible?
  23. Hey guys I got lucky recently and scored an Alpha II from an e-waste recycler. Unfortunately the HDD was taken out, I've got a new one in there but I'm not sure if there's any full-recovery available. I found N64 freak's build log so I'm feeling a bit dumb - but I don't think that the full recovery could be only 13MB right? Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is if anyone has any disk images they could share :). Here's some pics from the seller, it has a different front panel(with lots of masking tape residue), but it's definitely real.
  24. So I recently made use of this invaluable resource to download all of the old Halo 2 DLC onto my original Xbox (https://digiex.net/threads/xbox-offline-xbox-live-downloadable-content-dlc-installers.675/). The title update and four map packs were a no-brainer, but I was intrigued to see "official" Bungie multiplayer game-types included in the installer as well, as follows: 1. Classic CTF Tank 2. Covie Gulch 3. Golden Showers 4. Peacemakers 5. Swords No Radar 6. Team GoldShowers 7. Zombies Interested in knowing how a few game-types were elevated to "preserved official DLC", I did some research. It looks like #1-5 were made available on the Official Xbox Magazine April 2005 demo disc (http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/official-xbox-magazine-demo-disc-43/), and #7 was from the June 2005 edition (http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/official-xbox-magazine-demo-disc-45/). But my question, while quaint, is this: when was #6 ever officially released? All online "Bungie game-type" lists seem to acknowledge it as one of the officially released game-types, but I can't seem to find its origin. Does anyone recall how they got ahold of it back in the old Xbox days? To be clear, I'm talking about the game-type "Team GoldShowers".
  25. i know the drive from a 360 will not work with an og xbox but are there any parts from a 360 drive that would work? for example, would certain lasers like the SOH-DX1 from a 360 drive work in an og xbox drive that has the same model laser?

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