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I moved to France and I don't have a transformer of power to step down to 110v. I have a PC ATX PSU with 16amps on 3.3, 5v, and 12v. There is also a +5vsb. Can I just match the voltages from the original PSU (delta and functional) from the ATX PSU? Does 1.6b have 3.3v or 5v standby? I really don't mind if I have to power the Xbox on and off from the ATX PSU itself and I don't mind that the supply will sit outside of the box. So can I skip the power STB and OK? Are there other concerns about connecting an ATX PSU other than non matching pinouts? My ATX PSU is a DSP-220U B-3A In France I am having a hard time finding a 240v PSU without having to buy a whole console which is a bit pricy. I could get a transformer, but I don't trust the ones I see on the market that are not huge black boxes. My Xbox: 1.6b (xcaliber video encoder with hynix ram) Xecuter 3 modded with X3CP 2TB SATA HDMI via Nintendo Wii adapter
Hello everyone. I have not done anything with my original Xbox 1.6b since I softmodded it over 15 years ago, and recently it stopped powering on. I've tried googling and researching, but the loss of Sickmods (and others that I probably don't know about) has made it difficult to find information. Attempts So far: Eject or power button does nothing. Replaced the 5 main caps that are known to leak (I'm pretty sure I did this 10 years ago as well, but had parts on hand so did it anyways) I have replaced the transistor near the clock cap (q7c2) I'm pretty sure its the power supply itself, (Its the Samsung Tuscany one) so I have been trying to modify an ATX supply to use to test. On the earlier versions of the XBox there are lots of information and adaptors, but not the 1.6b. The pinouts I have found for the 1.6 xbox (See below) show it needing 4 lines on 5Vsb, and only one standard 5V line: I'm pretty sure this is backwards, and it should be 1 standby line and 4 regular, can someone with more experience confirm? The other question is regarding the N64Freak adaptor board diagram: From what I have read the 1.6 uses 5Vsb instead of 3.3Vsb, can I omit the LM3490, the 33uf cap, and the link to the ground plane like so: Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide, and if you have any good tips for a guy who is 15 years out of the scene, let me know.
Good evening, I have a 1.6b xbox, it is currently softmodded (this was done about 12 years ago) and the disk drive died on me to the point where the xbox wont boot to the dashboard (error code 12), anyway I read that since this is a 1.6b motherboard a TSOP flash is out of the question. I purchased a open xenium mod chip and performed the installation. Currently when the xbox is powered off but plugged in the mod chip emits a bright white light. This is after rechecking my joints due to having a bright red light. Im not sure which one of those is good or not. Anyway when I attempt to turn on the console with just the power and video cables and fan plugged in, no controller port cables plugged into the mb and no hard drive/disk drive, the mod chip emits a slightly less intense red light and the LED on the front of the xbox starts of green then flashes orange, fan spins up, then everything goes back to a powered down state and the white light returns. This is when powering on with the eject button btw. If I take the chip off the pin header, the xbox boots to the splash screen then ofc does nothing because there is no hard drive or disk drive. edit: forgot to mention I took a multimeter in continuity mode and the pins and points on the board are all connected as they should be, and I do have a picture of the chip itself but it currently is failing to upload here, ill try to do what I can in that regard Any guidance would be appreciated, attached are some photos of my amateur soldering work.
Hi everyone, new to the forum but looks like it's the right place for me to visit. I have an Xbox 1.6b (2005, Australian 240V model). Tonight it wouldn't fire up at all, completely dead and unresponsive to the power button. I opened it up and there was no obvious damage on the mobo. All i could measure on the 20 pin molex from the psu were some very low voltage (0.6V) on the 5V pins. 12V was reading 0. Ac input fuses showed good continuity. The only thing that looks suspect on the psu is the component in R10. I measured across the pins for R10 and its reading open circuit. I reflowed the solder on the AC input pins, no change. The xbox has been moldded since purchase but has been working perfectly until tonight. Nothing has been changed in the last 15 years. Still in original case. The original power cable seems to be intermittent now but other cables tried and no change. Any suggestions to help diagnose would be appreciated as I couldn't t find any replacement psu online anymore. OG psu is Tuscany rev 1.0. Tyia, tssfka
Hey all, only bringing this up as a new topic since a quick search here didn't find any results. I happened upon this game at a retro shop near me, and something about seeing a Sega game I'd never heard of for the Xbox compelled me to snatch it up. I wasn't the biggest Xbox fan growing up, and only recently got into the scene, so please don't make fun of me for my ignorance (or do lol). Anyways, I tried to boot the game up on my Halo Edition system (I believe revision 1.6b), and... got a bunch of gibberish all over my screen. I can take pictures if anyone is super curious, but the various "Alternate Display Modes" lists I've found for the OG Xbox list Gun Valkyrie as one of the only two games for the console that cannot be played in progressive modes, specifically on this revision and despite the games themselves supporting it (the other seems to be Panzer Dragoon Orta). I've been pretty curious about this for some months now, but, like I said, I'm pretty new to the Xbox ecosystem, and it's pretty crazy this even happens on the 360 I guess? If anyone can shed some light on why, or what changed in the 1.6 revision that would break these two specific games in these specific modes, I would be grateful! I'm very intrigued! I have a softmodded system, so if there's a way to bypass or workaround the issue, I'm all for trying. I'm content using the RetroTink 5X for now on 480i with this game, and would like to pick up Panzer Dragoon someday as well, so if there's nothing to do about it, that's acceptable too. Like I said, mostly curious! Thank you.
I Tsop'd and de clock capped a 1.1 Last night after realizing I can't do my other Xbox because its 1.6b? Literally the last batch of Xbox's Produced must be with its Manufacter date 16/08/2005 Ideally I'd like to have this hard modded rather that just Soft because my eyes have been opened. I'm looking for a reputable place to buy a Chip at a decent price and which chip would be the best? I could buy the Aladdin Chip now from here Will this work with the above 1.6b xbox? Edit: Noticed this is an American store and might not deliver to the UK
Out of nowhere today my 1.6b, X3, 2tb Xbox won't boot. Symptoms are: no frag, the console appears to be booting dvd drive will not eject when the button is pressed. The eject button blinks quickly and you can hear the drive spinning down but it never ejects long press of eject and power gives the pink executor logo on the panel and displays the outline of the Flashbios screen but remains blank Single press of the power button lights the Xecuter logo up red for a few seconds then blue as normal, no boot So, I originally thought the chip might have somehow died, but it absolutely cannot be. I completely disassembled the box, removed the X3 from the pinheaded, put the original IDE cable and hard drive back in, and bypassed the X3 board that interfaces with the power/eject buttons. The console appears to be booting but no audio or video (tv behaves as if it is getting no input signal). I have tried with both the OEM composite cable and the OEM component cable (breakout box) with no change. So now I'm convinced the chip is fine and something died in the console but can't find anything similar when searching. Everything on the motherboard looks fine and this console has worked fine since being modded in 2005. Any ideas?
Hello Folks, I try to intsall a XBIT 1.5 Chip in a 1.6b console. I was having a pretty bad time, since most of the information is gone due to forums and websites are not available in 2018 anymore... But thanks to the wayback machine, I managed to get some information about the installation process of the chip. Well, it looks like that the chip is/was only compatible to v1.0 to 1.5 and the 1.6 revision was not out when this chip was released (I've read somewhere, that there is a 1.6 adaptor board). Anyway, thanks to google, I found out that it should be possible to use that chip in a 1.6 console, but I'm unsure if they used the 1.6 adaptor. After rebuilding the LPC port, I installed the chip as usual (Double checked the pinouts from thechip and the LPC port), left d0 unconnected since I've read, that this is not necessary on 1.6 consoles and performed a LFRAME cut. I flashed evolution-x m8 1.6b bios to the chip with a virutal installation of windows xp (the softwate really sucks and won't work on WIN10...) Well, all I get is the christmas light (Console turning on and off 3 times and flashes red/green) without any video signal. If I bridge the LFRAME signal with tweezeers, the console boots as usual. This either means, that either the connection between the console and the chip is wrong or the chip is broken and I don't know how to find that out. I tried multiple thing, like reconnectnig the LFRAME, soldering in D0, used the 1.5 pinout for soldering, used the 1.6 soldering (but without the adaptor). At the time, I think the chip is broken, because flashing works, but validating the files gives me an error. As said before, I read on a german forum, that you can actually use any not 1.6 compatible chip with a 1.6 console by cutting the LFRAME and not connecting the d0 point. Won't work for me Has anyone some tips, help, suggestion for me? Thanks in advanve!
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